FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Following Written Directions: Discussion, Assignment, Rubric”

by Jessica Osborne

4th – 7th Grade



Following written directions is a crucial concept for students. Sometimes they get so distracted by the end goal of a project they are creating, or even by what they are learning, that they forget to focus on reading and following the directions carefully. This often results in them getting a lower grade than they should, or them not being able to display what they truly know about a subject. This assignment reminds them of the importance of reading every word carefully in a set of directions.

Students will carefully follow a set of written directions to complete a task and create an exact design on a page. Then, they will trade papers with a partner, and the teacher will lead the class through grading the assignment on the rubric, checking to see that everyone followed the directions carefully. They will each instantly see how well they did, and questions are provided for the teacher to lead the class in a thorough discussion about the importance of following written directions.

This activity is great to do at the beginning of the school year to set expectations or anytime the students need a reminder to follow directions carefully. Throughout the year if they are falling into bad habits, you may be able to refer back to this activity to jog their memory, or repeat the activity at anytime.

-Detailed Teacher Directions & Discussion Questions
-Photo Example
-Student Instruction Page
-Student Rubric


Some Other Resources with RUBRICS:
Bloom’s Taxonomy Book Report Project
Comprehensive Story Elements Unit
Prepositions Intro Demo and Creative Project

See These BACK TO SCHOOL Resources:
All About Me ELA Project Choices & Display
Meet the Teacher Scavenger Hunt
Door Signs for Middle & High School
Writing Portfolio Design

*Click HERE to see all my Back to School!

*Click HERE to see all my Partner Activities!

© 2017 Jessica Osborne. All rights reserved.
By copyright law, the purchase of this product entitles one teacher the use of the digital and printed files for a single classroom. Files are not to be shared or published (including being displayed on a website) in any way without direct permission from the author: [email protected]






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