Category Archives : Presidents’ Day

FREE MISC. LESSON – “Abe Lincoln’s Hat Song and Activity FREEBIE, President’s Day, Lincoln’s Birthday”

by KindyKats
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

I’m absolutely thrilled to have 1,900 fantastic followers! To celebrate, here’s a fun freebie Presidents’ Day song and activity. Your young learners will enjoy learning about Abe Lincoln’s stovepipe hat with this engaging song sung to “The Farmer in the Dell”. Then invite your crew to imagine what they’d keep in their own stovepipe hats with an open-ended activity that will create miles of smiles! I hope you and your students enjoy it.

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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Research the Presidents”

by Teacher’s Open House
2nd – 3rd Grade

Introducing research or are your students old pros? Regardless, this is a great activity for kids to use for researching the executive branch for President’s Day! Your students will have 10 questions to research about a president that they choose or you assign. The answers can be written on the copy of the cards that they are given (you can even shrink them down to fit both pages on one copy!) or record them on notebook paper. Use this activity in a research center for purposeful practice! Enjoy!

The frame was courtesy of Dancing Crayons and the scribble background is courtesy of the Amazing Classroom. Kids Graphics courtesy of Graphics From the Pond.

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February 2022 Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern 

Welcome to our February Teacher Talk.  All of us from the Teacher Talk collaborative would like to wish you a Happy February.  We have so many fab tips this month from Math, ELA and reading ideas, to High interest learning and our featured author for the month, you don’t want to miss reading these blog posts from some awesome educators.

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here…The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, “Feel free to email me at [email protected] for any questions you might have.”
All You Need is Love and Kindness


My husband got up one gloomy morning and went to the gas station to fill his car, when he went to pay, the gas pump said, “prepaid.” A kind person, from the goodness of his/her heart, paid for his gas. Needless to say, it brought a big smile to his face.
Celebrate Reading

Ways to celebrate March is Reading month.

Discover How to Effectively Use Running Record Assessments with Primary


Wouldn’t it be great to get insight into what a student does when he/she reads? Learn how in this post!
Bully Tales
My encounter with this student who was a school bully produced a surprising result.


Tips to Use Whose vs.Who’s and Their vs. There, vs.They’re

Help your students learn an easy way to choose between confusing words.

Palindromes in Words and Numbers
I was getting ready to pay for my meal at a buffet when I noticed the cashier’s name tag. It read “Anna” to which I replied, “Your name is a palindrome!” The cashier just stared at me in disbelief. I explained that a palindrome was letters that read the same backwards as forwards. Because you could read her name forwards and backwards, it qualified as a palindrome. In fact, February 22, 2022 will be a palindrome if written as 2-22-22!


How to Deal with Common Problems During Literature Circles
Learn about 6 of the most common problems teachers face during literature circles and solutions for each problem.

Teacher Talk’s Featured Author – Alison Monk

Alison Monk of The Literacy Garden is Teacher Talk’s Featured Author. Alison’s TpT store at has amazing ELA resources, book companions, and morning work for your classroom. Get her free close reading lesson using nonfiction magazine-styled passages.


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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “An Interview with George Washington”

by Jane Loretz
1st – 4th Grade

This reader’s theater script will have your students learning all about President George Washington and they will be working on their reading fluency at the same time. This reader’s theater script is free and is one of 6 scripts of different Presidents in my Meet the Presidents pack.

The Meet the Presidents pack also includes writing biographies, comparing and contrasting Abraham Lincoln and George Washington and many other fun activities ready for President’s Day or for anytime you may be learning about our American Heroes our Presidents.

Meet the Presidents

Enjoy this free reader’s theater script and happy President’s Day!


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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store
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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Vocabulary Guide for George Washington’s Farewell Address”

by UnCommon Core
9th – 12th Grade

This vocabulary guide is a student-friendly dictionary designed to help ELA and history classes tackle the challenging vocabulary in George Washington’s Farewell Address. It includes definitions for almost 250 words and two lessons aligned with the Common Core Language Standards for Vocabulary Acquisition and Use.

It is one component of a 61-page Farewell Address Unit Plan designed to cover a variety of ELA Common Core Standards.

The Presidential Dictionary by Janet Mason is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Free Money Activity For Presidents’ Day”

by Fourth Grade Frenzy
2nd – 4th Grade

This quick and simple money activity will keep students engaged in learning about money. Students make coin rubbings and switch papers with a partner for counting. This money activity is a fun learning idea for reviewing coin values and integrates well with Presidents’ Day.

This resource includes:

A printable worksheet for making coin rubbings

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*Did you know that you can earn FREE TpT resources by rating your purchases and earning credits?! Your feedback also helps us continue to provide quality resources for educators.

Thank you for visiting!

Fourth Grade Frenzy

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February 2020 Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

Welcome to our February Teacher Talk.  All of us from the Teacher Talk collaborative would like wish you a Happy Valentines Day.  We have so many fab things this month from Field Trips and ELA and reading ideas, to celebrating Black History Month and President’s Day, you don’t want to miss reading these blog posts from some awesome educators. 

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies and/or our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Teaching Effective Note-Taking

By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools

Have you ever told your students to take notes and they either highlight almost everything (sometimes even changing colors with their fancy highlighters to make it look like a rainbow pattern) or they take bullet points on everything? Mine used to write pages of bullet points, with no organization or greater understanding of patterns, themes, or bigger ideas. In comes Note-taking Stations!

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

All You Need is Love & Kindness

By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

Did you know that there is a Random Acts of Kindness Week? It runs from February 16 through the 23rd. Actually, this is the first I’ve heard of it, but what a groovy way for all of us to unite by being kind to each other. It begins with one simple act – one hello to a stranger, a simple smile, a pat on the back, a cup of coffee for someone you don’t know, or as my husband experienced, pay it forward.  This is a chance for participating individuals to make our world a better one and inspire others to follow suit. 

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Why you Need a Teacher Bestie

By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

I have been so lucky to have a teacher bestie at every twist and turn in my teacher life, and this post is just a love letter to each of them, and to the universe for placing each of them in my life.

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Does a Circle Have Sides?

By Victoria Rauch of Scipi

Does a circle have sides? Believe it or not, this was a question asked by a primary teacher.  I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but in retrospect, I was stunned. Therefore, I decided this topic would make a great blog post. Discover the answer on my blog.

 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Learning From Students: Issac

By Gini Musmanno of Reading Spotlight

A teacher learns about disrespect, resiliency, and lack of initiative.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Christopher Ludwick – Revolutionary Baker and Spy

By Renee Heiss of All-American Teacher tools

Celebrate Washington’s Birthday with the story of Christopher Ludwick, Baker General.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Say What You Mean and Avoid Redundancies

By Charlene Tess of Charlene Tess

Good writers say what they mean and avoid excessive verbiage. This blog post will help you avoid redundancies in your writing.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Help Your Student Gain Perspective and Build Gratitude

By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing

Surviving tough teaching years by helping your students gain perspective and build gratitude.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Abraham Lincoln Freebie for Smartboard”

by Smart Kinder Kids

Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Kids will have a fun and engaging time learning about Abraham Lincoln with this interactive Smartboard.

Use as an introduction, unit review or for independent practice with your students.

Simply drag and drop the correct answer into the box. Picture cues and differences in answer box sizes will help younger learners. This can also be a great opportunity to use the Smartboard markers to locate sight words within sentences, find and mark punctuation and capitalization.

If you are interested in more engaging Smartboard activities with colorful graphics, please check out my other items, in particular:

“We the People – President’s Day Smartboard” on my TpT page

which contains 23 slides for President’s Day activities (graphic organizers, background information on Lincoln and Washington, Glow in the Dark mystery pages, Fill in the Blank activities, math and language activities.

Thanks and have a Happy New Year!

Leigh Majer

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store
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February Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

Welcome to our February Teacher Talk.  All of us from the Teacher Talk collaborative would like wish you a Happy Valentines Day.  We have so many fab things this month from Field Trips and ELA and reading ideas, to celebrating Black History Month and President’s Day, you don’t want to miss reading these blog posts from some awesome educators. If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs
and blogging buddies and our blog linky, sign up here….
The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative.
 If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names.


 Adding more to the air than love this February.

Ya Gotta Love Field Trips or Not!
By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

I was inspired to write this blog post after listening to my 3 podcast buddies tell about their Field Trip Follies: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly, on our podcast, We Teach So Hard. I, too have stories to tell. So pull up a chair, sip some wine and read on… 

Black History Month Celebration
By Michelle Webb of Teaching Ideas For Those Who Love Teaching

 Showcase your students’ learning with a black history month celebration. Show your students learning creatively, inviting parents along the way. 

Design a Monster: A Makerspace Activity
By Laura Cripe of Under One Roof 

 Makerspace activities are all the rage these days. Learn how my kids used our makerspace to design and create their own Halloween monster. This is the perfect activity for elementary students who are too excited about Halloween to do any kind of regular school work.

How to Choose Between Eager of Anxious
By Charlene Tess of Charlene Tess

 Be sure to say what you mean when choosing between “eager” and “anxious.”

 Writing with Colors
 I’ve found that using colors when writing on the whiteboard can be helpful in multiple ways. Colors can be used to create associations in the minds of learners, and the more you repeat the same method of color usage, the more those associations will strengthen in the learners’ minds. Using these associations, students are quicker to find mistakes or identify what they’re supposed to do.
Is Dyslexia a Gift?
 Can dyslexia be considered a gift? Read this post before you decide.
Put Your Heads Together to Brainstorm
Brainstorming can be an intimidating and daunting task for many students.  It’s hard for young writers to come up with ideas for a topic without having a lot of life experience.  It is necessary to brainstorm WITH your students in the beginning, then gradually hand over the responsibility to students once you have taught them strategies and skills to use.
Valentine Tabletop Decoration Gift for the Family
 Your older elementary(gr.4+) can make this beautiful Valentine tabletop decoration gift for their family. Part construction/part craft, the kids will enjoy making this project. It even lights up.  
Differentiation in the Classroom
By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing

Differentiating in your classroom can be a lot easier than you may think. Learn five easy ways to differentiate in your 4th through 8th grade classroom and help all students succeed.

By Lisa Robles of LisateachR’s Classroom

  Here’s your go-to for some Valentine’s help!!

3 Questions to Get You Through Teacher Evaluation Season
By Tracy Willis of Wild Child Designs 

 It’s that time of year…You’re going to be observed and evaluated. What will you teach? Sometimes, it feels like a dog and pony show. These 3 questions will help you authentically reflect on your growth.


 Tried & True Bookmaking: Pop-Up Book

 By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools

Here’s an oldie but a goodie: the pop-up book. Kids (and adults) never get tired of making these because there are so many options for creativity.

Inlinkz Link Party

February Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern





Welcome to our February Teacher Talk.  All of us from the Teacher Talk collaborative would like wish you a Happy Valentines Day.  We have so many fab things this month from  proof-reading ideas, to ELA to math activities, to celebrating Black History Month and President’s Day, you don’t want to miss reading these blog posts from some awesome educators. This month, we’re honored to have Daniel with us, as our  guest blogger.
If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs and blogging buddies and our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names. 
Navigating Life as a Single Dad
By Daniel of Dad Solo whose guest post can be found at Rainbow City Learning 

Single parents have a difficult job, and even in the best of circumstances, it can be a struggle. Moms have it tough, but so do dads.
I Dreaded my Third Period Class
By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

It was cold and blustery outside, one of those days that you just wanted to stay under the covers. But it was only hump day and I had a busy schedule, so I dragged myself out of bed, had my cup of coffee and a piece of toast, jumped into my car and was on my way. 

Is This Routine? Why Not?
By Susan Berkowitz of Susan Berkowitz


Research tells us that routines are the heart of language and symbbol development. Routines are a sequence of actions or events that are repeated over and over again.

Add Projects to Your Bag of Tricks!
By Sally Hansen of Purposeful Plans


Have you ever set a goal to cover everything you are required to teach during the school year?  Many teachers try to meet this goal each year and end up frustrated because we are short on time!  It is very difficult to get everything we are required to teach during the school year, take the cross-curricular approach!

Improving Class Cooperation
By Gini Musmanno of Reading Spotlight


Wishing and hoping, and thinking and praying, for a courteous and amenable class? Then give students a little nudge toward cooperation and affirmation of each other this month.

Amazon Alexa in Your Classroom
By Lisa Robles of LisaTeachR’s Classroom

Learn about using Amazon Alexa in your classroom.

Building Understanding, One Brick at a Time
By Kathie Yonemura of Tried & True Teaching Tools


Getting your hands muddy is a great way to learn! Social Studies is meaningful when students experience content learned.

How to Select Books for Your Classroom Book Clubs
By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing


Read five essential tips for finding “just right” books for your classroom book clubs. The books you choose are crucial to running successful classroom book clubs.  
The Fine Motor Advantage
By Thia Triggs of Print Path


What does research tell us about the impact of fine motor skills on early academics?

Wax Museum Biography Research 3-5 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options

Wax Museum Biography Research 3-5 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options

Engaging and ready-to-go project that provides excellent support to the history, writing, and literacy curriculum to engage students and motivate students for learning. Tie in black history / women’s history month, President’s Day, or created your theme for this wax museum. Students can write a 5 paragraph research report or the graphic organizer can be used in place of the report for differentiated instruction. Choose what you want and then print!

There are 6th-8th and 9th-12th versions available!
Wax Museum Biography Research 6-8 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options
Wax Museum Biography Research 9-12 CCSS Aligned with Differentiated Options

*3-5th Grade Common Core Aligned.
*You can choose with or without Common Core State Standards on your requirements page.
*There are reference choices for MLA, APA, and CMS formats.
*There are student choice, scene backdrop, and tri-fold versions as options for this project.
*Great for mixed or leveled classes to give students differentiated instruction.
*Requirements and guidelines are detailed and organized.
*Students know exactly what to research with the outline.
*Students will write a 5 paragraph research report.
*Gives students a choice for their character representation.
*Practical and easy to understand rubrics for teachers, parents, and students.
*Permission slip to inform parents.
*Easy scoring on a 10 points each category out of 100 points for the rubrics. Or the rubric totals up to 100 points.
*Zip folder contains 2 PDFs and 1 PowerPoint.
*Aligned with Common Core State Standards.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3-5.4,SL.3-5.5,SL.3-5.6, W3-5.2, W.3-5.7,W.3-5.8

The way I use it…
Students enjoy this project! This is a 2-3 month project. Each class is different and each year is different; therefore, I can’t do everything the same each time I teach the same subject. I give each student a three pronged folder with the packet inside. As I scaffold and model the information to my students, I have students write in the due dates. I make this an at-school project and have students keep their research folder in a designated location. Also, you can choose themes for your project such as children’s authors, presidents, Native Americans, American Revolution historical figures, American heroes, African Americans, famous people/Americans, scientists/inventors, composers, or historical figures from your state. The choice is yours!

Happy Teaching!


Opinion Writing Peer Editing Checklist CCSS Aligned for Grades 3rd – 5th

Opinion Writing Peer Editing Checklist CCSS Aligned for Grades 3rd – 5th

The 4 peer editing checklists are very detailed (for a 3, 4, 5, & 7 paragraph essay) created for the progressing writer. Excellent for mixed or leveled classes to give students individualized instruction. Practical and easy to understand. Students will know what is expected of them and they will have opportunities to reflect on their work.

Included in this resource:
✓ How I Use This Resource
3, 4, 5, & 7 Paragraph:
✓ Peer Editing Checklist Half Page
✓ Peer Editing Checklist Full Page
✓ Terms of Use
✓ Graphics and Fonts Credit

Try part of the opinion essay bundle before you buy it right here…FREE Opinion Writing Basic Rubric CCSS Aligned

*Teacher rubric on one side while student self-assessment is on the other side when printed.
*Rubrics are created with variation to meet your classroom’s needs.
*Can print rubrics front and back to save on paper (cut it in half.)
*Peer edits for students to share and learn from each other.
*It’s a very detailed checklist.
*For a 3, 4, 5, & 7 paragraph opinion essay.
*Checklists are full & half page PDF format.
*Can print checklists front and back to save on paper.
*Practical and easy to understand rubrics for teachers and students.
*Easy scoring on a 10 or 5 points each category out of 100 points.
*Great for mixed or leveled classes to give students individualized instruction.
*Teacher and student self assessment to grade a 3, 4, 5, & 7 paragraph essay.
*Add CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3-5.6 by having students research the Internet and type up the essay to implement technology for a cross-curricular assignment.
*Add CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3-5.7 & W.3-5.8 by having students conduct a research project by assigning a prompt. Have them gather relevant information through printed or digital sources. Be sure to have them add a bibliography.
*3-5th Grade Common Core Aligned.
*Can be used as enrichment for 2nd grade students.

The way I use this resource…
In writing, I scaffold and model information to my students. Each class is different and each year is different; therefore, I can’t do everything the same each time I teach the same subject. I start with the basic rubric and introduce 1-3 new concepts each essay. Once I introduce a concept, I hold students accountable for the concepts I taught. If it appears that the majority of the class does not understand the concept, I do not hold them accountable and I reteach the concept. I try not to stifle their creativity by focusing on spelling, capitalization, and punctuation during the first two terms of school depending on the class. I also can easily use the 6 traits of writing with the rubrics. Make sure you choose a topic that is relevant, relatable, and the reasons are researchable.
Next, I introduce the peer editing checklist. I have students pair up and exchange papers. I have clipboards students can use while they sit around the room for this activity. It’s important for you to model for the students how to peer edit. Many times students just want to be nice and not give feedback. However, this is a great opportunity for students to read each others essays and learn from each other. I try not to let the same students peer edit with each other every time in order for students to view a variety of styles over the school year.
Finally, you are able to print front and back! Then you can cut them in half to save on paper. For example, pages 12 and 13 are the same rubric. Simply print it from your computer or printer as two-sided. If this does not work for you, print the first rubric for a full page rubric.
Happy Teaching!


Social Skills All Year

by Kathy Babineau

Grades KG – 5th


This kit contains 240 cards covering seasonal scenarios and topics. For each month of the year (including summer months), there are 4 Topic Talker cards, 4 Role Playing cards, 4 Facial Expression/Body Language cards, 4 Problem Solver cards, and 4 Perspective Taker cards, for a total of 20 cards for each month of the year. Cards are simply marked with the month of the year, but they can also be mixed and matched throughout the year if you would rather not focus on themes.

The Topic Talker Cards offer suggested topics of conversation, many of which are related to timely topics and holidays. Some other generic school based topics have been included in order to be sensitive to students who may not observe particular holidays. These topic talker cards are helpful for students who are trying to work to maintain on-topic exchanges with peers, addressing attention to conversation and even general expressive and receptive language.

The Role Playing cards also address many timely topics. When using the Role Playing cards, I like to have multiple teams role play the same scenes, because there may be several correct ways to “act out” the situation. It is also fun sometimes to role play the situation in an inappropriate way and then discuss why it may be hurtful or inappropriate or offensive. Be sure to brainstorm and discuss how body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice and word choice are all important to communication.

The Facial Expression/Body Language cards are fun to use to think about and practice ways that we communicate with our faces and our bodies.

The Problem Solver cards offer students opportunities to think about social situations, analyze the problem and generate practical solutions. There is not always just one correct answer to these problems.

The Perspective Taker cards encourage students to put themselves in a situation or in someone else’s shoes and decide how they might feel.

To use this kit, simply print out all sheets and then cut apart and laminate (optional) the cards, and you are good to go! They are all in black and white (except the cover page) to go easy on the color copying budget.

I hope you like this and find it helpful when working with your students!

Kathy Babineau

Here are a few other social skills products you may like:

Super Problem Solvers

Social Skills for Teenagers

Social and Safety Skill Discussion/Question Cards

Free English Lesson- Literary Analysis with Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Teach BeTween the Lines

Grades 9-12+

Celebrate this President’s day with a FREE resource! Teach students the art of literary analysis with Shakespeare’s drama filled play- A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This unit was recently available for purchase for over $4.00, but you can find it FREE for a limited time on my Teacher’s Pay Teachers site: Teach BeTween the Lines

Literary Analysis PowerPoint/Google Slides Lesson
—Graphic Organizers and Rubric to assess examples of literary analysis (for use with PowerPoint/Google Slides lesson)

Beautiful Literary Analysis Poster- in two sizes

7 high level, in-depth literary analysis questions for paragraph responses
— Graphic organizers for support.
— Printable, editable Word Document
— Digital Student Interactive Notebook

Optional literary analysis essay and graphic organizer

-CCSS Aligned:

Rubric provided

10 Pages with poster + 14 Slides

Follow my store by clicking on the link at the top of the page for updates, announcements, and fun freebies! You can also find me on Pinterest, Facebook, and My Personal Blog!

Check out these individual lessons for all things Shakespeare!
Debate with Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream- The Battle of the Sexes
Theme Analysis in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Character Analysis with A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Student Interactive Notebook for A Midsummer Night’s Dream- Complete Study Guide

Save money and get four additional lessons with: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Unit Bundle!!
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Complete Unit BUNDLE!

Teaching Macbeth?
Theme Analysis &Thematic Literary Response Essay in Shakespeare’s Macbeth
Literary Analysis with Shakespeare’s Macbeth
Character Analysis with Shakespeare’s Macbeth

Introduction to Shakespeare:
Engaging and Collaborative Introduction to Shakespeare

FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “US President Brain Breaks”

by The Primary Techie

Kindergarten – 6th Grade



This is a fun way to review presidents and get your kids up and movin’ at the same time. Choose movements for your kids to do as they say the name of each president – jumping jacks, punch out, and chair kicks are just a few ideas you can use. There are two speeds to choose from. With “click to advance”, you will control the speed. This is a good one to use if you want to discuss the presidents or just go slowly. If you choose this “auto advance”, transitions happen automatically. This is fun when you are doing the moves with your kids. Just start it and join in the fun!

I LOVE having fun at school! Follow me for more engaging learning tools.






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FREE MISC. LESSON – “FREE February Printables and Activities”

by Laura Candler

2nd – 5th Grade



Need engaging printables and activities for February? This 26-page packet offers ready-to-use lessons, printables, and activities for February that foster higher level thinking while motivating students. Activities include math word problems, a candy heart fraction lesson, a friendship poetry activity, a word challenge, and directions for writing a President or Black History biography. The February Activities freebie is offered as a sample of my monthly activity packs. See below.

Newly Updated! Most recent revision was February 4th!

** If you like this freebie, please rate it and leave a comment. Thanks so much! **


More Seasonal Printables and Lessons from Laura Candler!

If you enjoy these activities, take a look at the other lesson packs in my Seasonal Mini Pack collection! This item is a part of that bundle, and you can save money by purchasing all 7 items together here: Seasonal Activities Mini Pack Bundle

Individual Items:
October Activities from Teaching Resources
November Activities from Teaching Resources
December Activities from Teaching Resources
January Activities from Teaching Resources
March Activities from Teaching Resources
April Activities from Teaching Resources

fractions, word problems, reading activities, poetry lesson, cinquains, friendship, February, Valentine’s Day, Valentines Day, candy hearts, candy heart lesson biographies, reports, African Americans, Black History, President, President’s Day






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February Teacher Talk

Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

Welcome to our February Teacher Talk.  All of us from the Teacher Talk collaborative would like wish you a Happy Valentines Day.  We have so many fab things this month from  proof-reading ideas, to ELA to math activities, to celebrating Black History Month and President’s Day, you don’t want to miss reading these blog posts from some awesome educators.

If you’re interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs and blogging buddies and our blog linky, sign up here….The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative. If you decide to join, be sure to mention one of our names. 


The Proof is in the Pudding, Proof-Reading That Is!

As a veteran English and Social Studies teacher, I’d like to share some effective proof-reading tips that I’ve used to help students improve their writing skills, and to make my life a bit easier.


Love is All We Need

By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

Just a little inspiration for building confidence and acceptance in your learning community.


IMWAYR: Funny Bones

By Lisa Robles of LisaTeachR’s Classroom

Have you read Funny Bones? Winner of multiple awards and a great informational addition to your Dia de Los Muertos collection!


Valentine’s Day STEM Olympics

By Kerry Tracy of Kerry Tracy

Blog post outlines 5 infatuating Valentine’s Day-themed STEM challenges that can be modified for use with grades 2-8. Help Cupid get some target practice, build a tower of love, design the perfect candy container, find the “heaviest” heart, and have a flower frenzy!


 Cooperative Learning – Bring Core Subjects Together for Student Learning!

By M. Moore of Moore Resources

 Cooperative Learning – Bring Core Subjects Together for Student Learning!


What Word Does This Say: B-L-E-N-D?

By Susan Berkowitz of Susan Berkowitz

This is part of a series of posts about phonological awareness and the different steps and skills to teach. This post is about blending sounds and syllables to hear the word.


Teaching Self-Regulation Skills to Elementary Age Children

By Thia Triggs of Print Path

Finally! A systematic method to teach self-regulation skills to children with sensory, emotional, and behavioral needs. Color coded task cards give students managed choices to learn specific skills that meet their sensory needs and also calm them down, so that they can perform their academic classroom tasks.


My Funny Valentine: Love Letters by Arnold Adoff

By Tracy Willis of Wild Child Designs

A review and glimpse into “Love Letters” poetry by Arnold Adoff. This post also includes a teaching idea for its use in the classroom.


Robots + Math & Science = Total Engagement

By Megan Bodmann of Adventures Teaching 4th

Get your students engaged in learning by introducing robots into your classroom. They are not only a ton of fun, but you can easily utilize them in your math and science lessons. Find out how easy it is to do!


Playground Problem = Real Life

By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools

The Playground Problem is a real-life math challenge! It keep students engaged and practicing their area and perimeter skills in a meaningful way.


Understanding Fractions: A 6-Part Series

By Shametria Routt of The Routty Math Teacher

Fractions– a single word that deflates the confidence of our most competent students and adults alike. In this series, I share some of the essential fraction understandings that I have developed over the years, including the many math tools you can use to reinforce these essential skills. With that in mind, each of the six posts highlights a fraction tool and activity that can be used to address a specific Common Core Math Standard (with a few printable freebies too). 


Leveled Math Assessments

By Tammy Roose of Tarheel State Teacher

Do your math assessments encourage a growth mindset? Create an entry point for students who are not yet meeting the standards? Allow above average learners to show they know more than just what’s expected for their grade-level? Find out 7 reasons why I’m committed to leveled math assessments this year! 


Here’s your chance to hop on over and visit the blog posts of our creative teachers.

The Proof is in the Pudding-Proof-reading That Is!

By Deann Marin of  Socrates Lantern

As a veteran English and Social Studies teacher, I’d like to share some effective proof-reading tips that I’ve used to help students improve their writing skills, and to make my life a bit easier.


This is simple but a tough one for the kids to remember. When writing a rough draft they should skip a line between sentences. This will leave room for proof-reading comments. We are programmed to finish writing one line and just going to the next, so students will really need to remember this.  I’ve often told them to use a marker or pen and put a dot at the beginning of each line that they should write on. This helps a great deal. Eventually they will get it and it will become second nature.  Also, letting them know that as  part of their final grade, they get credit for skipping lines on their rough draft.

Always write rough drafts with a pencil if not using a computer. At the top of their paper, the student should write each area that will be proof-read.  This depends on what you are teaching at the time. After proof-reading has been finished,each student must initial the part that they corrected.

Proof-reading is a group effort.  So I have the class get into their collaborative groups of 4.  I will direct them and let them know exactly what to do.  Each child will have a specific thing to look for, depending on the lesson. If you’re using sensory words, descriptive adjectives, topic and detail sentences, capitals and end punctuation,  figurative language etc. they will proofread accordingly. It is really up to the individual teacher.  All corrections should be written in pen or different colored pencils. Here are some examples:

  1. One child will make sure that the paper makes sense. They will read it and add corrections on the blank lines.
  2. Another child  will look for colorful words such as adjectives, sensory words.
  3. Someone else will circle spelling errors with red.
  4. The fourth child will fix punctuation and grammar.  They might underline grammar mistakes, or circle them with a blue pencil.

Each child in the group starts with someone else’s paper. I give them a certain amount of time to read and correct it, 10-15 minutes or so. After 15 minutes have passed, they give the paper to the next person in their group, and they do their specific job. This continues until all the corrections have been completed. They must remember to initial the part that they corrected see tip #2.

Once the proof-reading has been finished, I let the class know that they will be reading each other’s paper to them to hear how it sounds.  It’s easier to pick up mistakes when you hear it out loud, rather than reading it to yourself. This can get noisy, so they should use inside voices.

  1. When child A reads child B’s paper, child  B has to listen, and vica versa. You do this for all papers in each group. If errors are picked up, they can be worked on, corrected and read aloud again.

As an extra incentive, tell your kids  that if a paper that they corrected has no mistakes, they will get extra points towards the final grade on their own paper. This will get the class to take this exercise seriously.

  1. John, Sarah, Sally and Andrew are in group A. John fixed spelling errors on the papers in his group.  No one has spelling mistakes, so  I  would give him 4 extra points, 1 point for each paper that has been proof- read.  Do this for everyone in the group. Use your own discretion.

When the final drafts are collected, they should include pre-writing, and rough drafts with comments and corrections. I let the them know that if they’ve followed directions and handed everything in as  instructed, they will get credit for it.

I hope this post has been helpful for you. Would love to hear feedback.

Thanks for stopping by.



Here’s a Valentine Day Bundle with writing tasks, pr-writing activities, rough draft and more.

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Valentine Literacy Bundle

Take a look at my Winter Literacy &amp; History Bundle with Items that will spark the curiosity of you and your students…..

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This is part of February Teacher Talk. Don’t forget to read what the rest of these educators  have to say….

Language Arts Lesson “Mega Bundle: Through the Year Reading Comprehension (September- May)”

By Christina L

Grades 2-5




Cover all the important days and events of the year in these fun reading passages. They are filled with fun, historical facts plus comprehension questions.

Use them as a quick warm up or in a reading center.

It includes months September through May.

Each month includes 8 reading passages and 1 worksheet for recalling important facts.

September:  Johnny Appleseed, Hispanic Heritage Month, Talk Like a Pirate Day, Grandparents Day, Constitution Day, Happy Labor Day, Welcome, Fall!

October: Bats! Bats! Bats!, Arachnophobia!, Fire Prevention Week, Columbus Day, Make a Difference Day, Happy Halloween, How to Grow a Pumpkin, Happy Birthday Noah Webster!

November: Squanto: Friend to the Pilgrims, Election Day, Veterans Day, The Mayflower, The First Thanksgiving, King Tut Day, Native American Heritage Month: Sacagawea, Life of a Pilgrim Child

December: Kwanzaa, Las Posadas, Hanukkah, Christmas Traditions, Reindeer, Arctic Animals, Wright Brothers Day, Hibernation

January: Happy New Year!, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Emperor Penguins, The Abominable Snowman: Fact or Fiction?, Do You Want to Build an Igloo?, National Braille Literacy Month, Opposite Day, Happy Birthday Ben Franklin!

February: Groundhog Day, What is a Groundhog Anyway?, Random Acts of Kindness Day, Honest Abe, The Father of Our Country, Super Bowl Sunday, Valentine’s Day, Leap Day

March: St. Patrick’s Day, Read Across America Day, March Madness, Women’s History Month, Pi Day, Ireland, Happy Birthday Harry Houdini!, In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb

April: April Fool’s Day, Jackie Robinson Day, Happy Earth Day!, The Titanic Sinks, National Poetry Month, National Arbor Day, Easter Egg Roll, Drop Everything and Read

May: Happy Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Cinco de Mayo, Happy Birthday, Sally Ride!, Limerick Day, The Kentucky Derby, Florence Nightingale (for National Nurses Week), Amelia Earhart

Check it out here:


Thanks for looking!

Christina L

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