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Walking the Red Carpet With Book of the Year Awards
By Tracy Willis of Wild Child Designs

Are you looking for a fun but academic way to keep your students engaged in these last few weeks of the school year? This blog post is part one of a series that details one way to keep your kids talking about books. Plus, a unique freebie opportunity is offered!
Where We’re From
By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning

A tribute to my mother and all she taught me. A poetry form added to try in your own own classroom.
End of the Year Growth Mindset Awards Activity
By Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern

My teaching partner and I always faced the end of the school year with nostalgia, excitement, and a bit of sadness as our students leave our classrooms. Kind of like parents whose children have flown the coop. We enjoyed giving out student awards, but instead of us choosing all of them, we decided to let the kids help us.
Do You Have a Purpose?
By Susan Berkowitz of Susan Berkowitz

Students need a purpose for communicating and we need to provide meaningful interactions, not just “test” them on their knowledge.
Five Simple Tools for End of the Year Success
By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing

Survive the end-of-the-year frenzy in your classroom with five tips to help reduce the chaos and maintain learning.
Make Math FUN this Summer!!!
By Sara Snyder of Snyder Classroom

The weeks approaching summer vacation can be a great time to get some review in for the students as the year closes. These NO PREP activity worksheets can be great for end of the year review as well as keeping skills fresh over the summer. I think you will enjoy these summer themed riddles.
One Million=One Thousand
By Reading Spotlight of Reading Spotlight

Find out how one million can actually equal one thousand!
A Little Magic For Your Class. . .
By Michelle Webb of Teaching Ideas for Those who Love Teaching

Tips to make reading time magical with an altered fairy tale unit.
Surviving the Last Weeks of School: 3 Activities to Keep Your Students Engaged
By Shametria Routt of The Routty Math Teacher

Managing student engagement and behaviors at the end of the school year can be a challenge for even our most experienced teachers. The more engaged students are in tasks that are both developmentally appropriate and challenging, the less off-task behavior they will display. With that in mind, I would like to share some of my favorite problem solving and critical thinking strategies I use to keep my students engaged during the last weeks of the school year.