Posted by Deann Marin of Socrates Lantern
It’s May and June is just around the bend. You’re probably counting the days till summer vacation. Be sure to stop by and see what these teachers are doing in their classrooms and gather some great tips and ideas. This is the last link-up for this school year. We’ll see you in September
Pack a Super Summer Kit
Suggestions for a super summer kit, to keep them learning over their vacay.
How to Keep Your Class Engaged Through the End of the Year
The end of the school year is just around the corner. You’re looking forward to summer vacation and so are your students, but you still have at least 3-4 or more weeks left, so what do you do to keep those kiddos turned on to learning? Here are some tips.
The Difference Between Giving Up & Knowing When You’ve Had Enough
Angst and thoughts about the issues that teachers face today…one teacher’s journey.
He Can’t? I Bet He Can!
Sometimes students who are severely physically disabled are thought not to be able to learn; especially when they can’t speak or respond. We need to think outside the box.
Summer Reading: What’s Hot? and What’s Cool?
Reading Spotlight’s May Blog Post explains how to find out “What’s Hot? and “What’s Cool?” this year for Summer Reading. Want to know “Why Kids Don’t Read,” “How to Motivate Summer Reading,” and “Why Summer Reading is So Important”? You’ll find links there, too, for this valuable information.
Tales from a Teacher: The Light Bulb
It’s math time again! Each day this week I’ve been watching my students’ eyes glaze over while teaching. Last night, I stayed up late to plan out today’s difficult lesson. As I approach the board…
Mad Tea Party Mother’s Day Tea
How do you honor your mothers? Plan a Mad Tea Party Mother’s Day Tea!
Save The Insects: Having Fun With Insects and Plants
Creative teaching ideas for students to explore insects and plants with hands on activities, as well as a creative research component to keep them reading and writing about insects and plants at home.
Why I seek volunteers for classroom book clubs and where I find them
I love having volunteers participate in my classroom book clubs. Read about why I make the effort to bring the community into my classroom and where I find willing volunteers.
Riddling for Geometry
By Kathie Yonemura of Tried and True Teaching Tools

Although most students think of geometry as shapes, it’s so much more! Geometry riddles are the perfect opportunity to promote thinking and reasoning!
Please visit the posts in our link-up