Grades K-4
This “Reading Vowel Digraph & Vowel Diphthong Syllables” unit provides 86 word lists vowel digraphs and vowel diphthongs syllable type words. Also, a master word list is included and can be used as a quick reference. A vowel digraph or vowel diphthong is one of the six types of syllables in reading. The lists in this unit include words spelled using vowel teams or vowel/consonant teams to create each vowel sound. These lists of words will help students recognize the vowel digraph or vowel diphthong patterns. Reading will become more manageable for students once they understand syllable types.
The following activities and games are included in this packet:
1. Color the Rainbow
2. Ghost OUT
3. Move the Mouse to the Cheese
4. Guess the Word
5. Shark
6. Go Fish
7. PIG
8. Old Maid, Old Man
9. Skunk
10. Thirteen Digraph/Diphthong Booklets—These are booklets the students can cut apart, staple, color, and spell the words to match the pictures. The books target :
• digraph ai—rain, tail, snail, paint, mail, air, sailboat, rainbow
• digraph ay—hay, gray, pray, May, birthday, tray, say, pay
• digraph long ea—peace, peanut, eat, treat, tea, read, teacher, feast
• digraph short ea—bread, weather, sweater, breakfast
• digraph ee—bee, cheese, tree, three
• digraph igh—goodnight, light, bright, right
• digraph oa—coat, boat, toad, soap
• digraph ow—shadow, pillow, elbow, snow
• digraph long oo—balloon, broom, igloo, mushroom, pool, root, school, zoo
• digraph short oo—cookie, looking, book, football
• diphthong ou—cloud, mouse, out, groundhog
• diphthong ow—towel, clown, frown, shower
• diphthong oy—cowboy, ahoy, toys, joy