by Sherry Clements
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

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FREE: 100th Day of School Writing FREEBIE —
Students get so excited about the 100th day of school. I usually have my students bring in 100 useful items after they count them out at home. I request things like wiggly eyes, craft sticks, cotton balls, paper clips, stickers, brown paper bags, beads, and the list can go on and on. These items become useful items throughout the school year and students get to practice counting out the items at home.
I also do this writing activity and they simply LOVE it! After being in school for 100 days, students are to tell their favorite thing to do at school. They draw a picture of them doing their favorite thing in the box at the top. It is amazing to see the different thoughts they have about their school day. I love it when they say they like writing in their journal or going to literacy centers, but some are funny and tell that they love going to lunch, recess, and PE. These are always fun to read! I hope you and your students enjoy this writing activity FREEBIE! Please leave me some feedback!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy this FREEBIE. Please take just one moment to leave me some feedback. I really appreciate your comments! Come back and get my other freebies. I hope you can use some or ALL of them in your classroom.
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Thanks for your feedback and please tell your friends about my FREEBIES!
Sherry Clements
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