Daily Archives: December 27, 2022

Teacher Talk – December 2022

We hope you enjoy these latest teaching tips from our Teacher Talk bloggers.  Members of Teacher Talk are a part of The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative.  

If you are interested in joining this unique group of teacher entrepreneurs, blogging buddies, and/or our blog linky party, go to https://thebestofteacherentrepreneursmarketingcooperative.net/the-best-of-teacher-entrepreneurs-marketing-cooperative-one-year-membership/.  Join The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative and see how you can take your TpT store to the next level. 


Games in the Classroom

By Retta London of Rainbow City Learning


It’s so easy to incorporate game playing into your teaching practices. Here are some games for your classroom.  


The Best Gift for Struggling Learners

By Gini Musmanno of Reading Spotlight


As a reading specialist, my days were filled with lessons for struggling learners. Instruction was packed with basic fundamentals, extra practice, and fun, but then, there also were the problem learners. When I encountered them, this is how I helped. 


Snowflake Facts and Snowy Words

By Vicky Rauch of Go Figure!


Have you ever wondered about snowflakes, how they are formed, how many different kinds there are? Here are a few fun facts about snowflakes that you might not have known.


Keeping Students Engaged After a Vacation Break

By Marcy Howe of It’s a Teacher Thing


How do you keep students engaged when returning from a vacation break? Check out this blog post for great ideas that will save your sanity!


Winding Down for Winter Break: 5 Tips for Math Teachers

By Dr. Crystal Brown of Teaching to Change the World


The holidays are quickly approaching, which means winter break is right around the corner! This can be a time of rest and relaxation for students, but it can also be stressful for teachers.


FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Martin Luther King, Jr. – What Would You Do, MLK?”

by Teacher Karma
1st – 4th Grade

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ~ What Would You Do, MLK? was designed to provide your students with deep thinking, reading comprehension, vocabulary, problem solving skills, and {most importantly} an understanding of how Dr. King helped to change our world.

Using this Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – What Would You Do? lesson in your classroom will benefit your students in the following ways:

  • Reflect on the life, challenges, and accomplishments of Dr. King.
  • Inspire students to care about who people are on in the inside, not the color of their skin.
  • Encourage the understanding of powerful vocabulary words.
  • Practice problem solving skills, in the areas of literacy and social studies.
  • Use reading and writing skills to reflect on learn about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Included in the 9 page unit:

  • Dr. King has Character
  • What Would You Do? {activity}
  • Solving Our Problems Peacefully Chart

**SPECIAL NOTE: THIS FREEBIE IS PART OF A FULL-PRODUCT DOWNLOAD. If these lessons are a good fit for you, please check out my Martin Luther King, Jr. Literacy and Social Studies Unit:

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Literacy and Social Studies Unit

Additional Resources:

Martin Luther King, Jr. Interactive Booklet & Learning Kit

Martin Luther King, Jr. Printables

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – Color & Learn INTERACTIVE Book

Martin Luther King, Jr. Social Studies & Literacy Unit

Jackie Robinson Biography Report & Organizers

Harriet Tubman Biography Report

Booker T. Washington Biography Report

Thank you for checking out TEACHER KARMA! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns with this product. [email protected]

Please visit my blog for additional learning activities and strategies:


Best Wishes!


[email protected]


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