FREE MATH LESSON – “Regrouping Practice Sheet Freebies”
by Dragons Den
2nd – 4th Grade

Are you tired of the same old regrouping practice sheets? Put a little fun into your students’ practice with these three practice sheet freebies. There is one regrouping subtraction sheet each for tens, hundreds and thousands. Each sheet has a grading key.;
Each sheet has 12 problems, which is enough to reinforce the concept, but not enough to overwhelm students. The opportunity to color after the computation is done, helps to ease the stress that often comes with regrouping.
The resource addresses Common Core standards: 2.NBT.B.5, 2.NBT.B.7, 3.NBT.A.2, 4.NBT.B.4
These freebies are taken from a larger resource called “Dragon Eggs: A Regrouping Math Story Unit. To check it out go to:
Dragon Eggs-A Regrouping Math Story Unit
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