FREE MISC. LESSON – “Group Project Role Cards (FREEBIE)”
by Graceful Pedagogy
5th – 10th Grade

A common frustration of group projects for teachers and students alike is the uneven distribution of work that often happens. Designating group roles ensures that each student has a clear idea of their responsibility to the group and understands how they can contribute. It also provides an opportunity for students to develop collaboration skills and personal responsibility.
How to Use
You can assign students their roles or, to help them practice cooperation and autonomy, have them determine their own roles. Students will receive a card with their role and the role description, and they can write their name on the blank space provided on the card. It is helpful to remind students about their roles periodically. You may also want to clarify that students can assist their group mates with different roles–i.e. just because you have one role does not mean you can’t contribute in other ways too. The whole group is responsible for the entirety of the final product, not just their portion.
Roles Included:
- facilitator
- scribe
- artist
- editor
- materials manager
- timekeeper
- director
- reporter
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