Yearly Archives: 2024

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Literature Circles: Journal”

by McLaren Marvels
2nd – 4th Grade

I LOVE using literature circles in my classroom. The only trouble I had with them was making sure every group was working and on task. I created this Lit Journal to help me keep my students accountable for their time. Now I can pull a small group and not worry about whether or not the other groups are on task. When the time for literature circles is up, I have them bring me their journals and I glance at them immediately so there is instant feedback. They each have their own 3 ring binder to keep their sheets in. This way, they can flip through and look at all the books they�ve read. The cover sheet can slide in the front of each binder so the kids can easily pick theirs out. The �AR� blank is for them to write how they did on the Accelerated Reader test. I hope you enjoy these and find them very useful!

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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “FREE 2023 5th Grade Science STAAR 2.0 Resdesign Test Prep Review Planning Guide”

by The Science Penguin
5th Grade

Let’s get ready for 5th grade Science STAAR! Updated for 2023, this guide includes Science Penguin activity suggestions to make planning an effective review a breeze.

Who is this for?

5th grade Texas teachers using the TEKS and Science Penguin resources

What is it?

This is your guide to the 2023 5th Grade Science STAAR. This resource includes:

  • Recommended resources
  • Sample 2-week review schedule
  • 7 ways to use task cards
  • FREE BONUS: STAAR Redesign Webinar Replay

Resources in the Guide

5th Grade Science STAAR Review Bundle EVERYTHING YOU NEED

This bundle includes all the resources from the guide and more.

Test Prep Task Cards Bundle (Printable and Digital)

Designed with 5th Grade Science STAAR in mind, these 340 versatile test prep task cards are perfect for review games.

Test Prep Scenarios (Printable and Digital)

This pack includes 25 Test Prep Scenario pages, each focusing on a different science content standard.

Science STAAR Activity Board

This set of 9 station activities are perfect for self-paced review.

STAAR Review Pages (Printable and Digital)

The 5th grade science review includes 59 pages of activities for the 30 SEs that students should have mastered by the end of 5th grade.

Science Sorting Relays

Have some fun with 10 science sorts– use them as relays or for other review games!

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Multiplication of 2 and 3 Digit Numbers Color By Answer Multiplying”

by Kile’s Classroom
3rd – 5th Grade

Multiplication Color By Answer

A fun way to practice multiplication of larger numbers!

Students color the answers of their math problems, but if the answer is not there, they made a mistake! Instant feedback is great for students!!

Need a Spanish Version? Click Here!


Great Products from Kile’s Classroom

Long Division Color By Answer.

Decimal Operations Color By Answer.


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Multiplication, Large Numbers, Color By Number

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Reading Tracker – Status of the Class Check for Reading or Writing Time”

by It’s a Teacher Thing
3rd – 10th Grade

Here’s a quick way to focus the class before a session of independent reading or writing workshop. The Reading Record-Status of the Class sheet helps you track student independent reading accountability or independent writing workshop time.

Use the Status Check twice a week as a motivator and a reminder that reading is expected and it matters and that independent writing time is for making progress. Record books a student has completed, and focus in on those struggling readers who may need some modification. The Status of the Class Sheet is perfect for the homeschooler or any grade level requiring independent reading or independent writing workshop time.

This resource is part of my Reading Response Reading Logs for the Entire Year.

Included you’ll find

• 1-Status of the Class Record Sheet

• 1-Instructions for the Teacher

You might also like these other products from It’s a Teacher Thing:

Finding Theme in Literature

Reading Response Prompts

Literature Circles Unit for Book Clubs

Test Practice for SBAC and Common Core

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you.

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• Look for the green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. You will then receive customized email updates about this store. All new products are 50% off for the first 24-hours!

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Simple Frayer Model Template”

by Kathy Babineau
2nd – 4th Grade

A Frayer Model is an evidence based method for teaching new vocabulary in all curriculum areas across all grade levels. This is a template based on the work of Dorothy Frayer and her colleagues at the University of Wisconsin.

Frayer Models are an effective way of previewing, teaching, analyzing and reviewing concept vocabulary.

This freebie includes: cover page, blank template, directions and a completed example.

I hope you like using the Frayer Model format as much as I do!

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Freebie! Practice Memorizing Half of a Number Printables”

by Jo Jo’s Jungle
3rd – 5th Grade

Use these 4 printables with keys included to practice memorizing half of a whole number up to 12. This is extremely helpful when beginning to teach fractions so that students can compare the fraction to the benchmark one half.

Please see preview or simply download and take a look!

**Need instruction AND practice?

PRACTICE orally and drawing halves using this matching PEAR DECK. 57 slides that includes 29 interactive slides (10 slides of comparing fraction practice).


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