Yearly Archives: 2024

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “GOOGLE SLIDE: Chadwick Boseman: Informational Text Unit – Differentiated”

by Two Pencils and a Book
5th – 12th Grade

GOOGLE SLIDE VERSION – Ready for your students to get to work.

Ready Reader Informational Text: Chadwick Boseman Grades 5-12. This is a Non-Fiction/ Informational Text, turnkey Ready Reader. This reader has FOUR reading passages, ONE Newspaper Articles and 23 pages of activities that include close reading, fluency, comprehension, word work, conventions, informational text skills, writing and more.

This resource is standards-based, engaging and may be used for classroom, take-home packets, online, or a hybrid of any and all combinations. It is perfect for whole class, early finishers, centers and more. A “Below Level High Low Reader” is also available intervention, ESL or coupled with the “At Level Reader” – for all students in your class to access important standards-based activities at their level.

Ready Readers are written at two levels – grade level and below grade level. Each reading passage, article, or story in Ready Readers is leveled – so you know exactly which reader to assign to each student. Be sure to check out the Below Level edition.

In this resource, you will find:

  • 23-page Form Fillable GOOGLE SLIDE of the Chadwick Boseman Ready Reader
  • Instructions and Information PAGES

On Level Ready Reader:

  • Passage 1: Fluency – page 2 – 810L-1000L
  • Passage 2: page 5 – 610L-800L
  • Passage 3: page 7 – Lexile Level 810L-1000L
  • Passage 4: page 16 – Lexile Level 810L-1000L
  • Passage 5: page 22 -Lexile Level 1210L-1400L

Also Available:

FREE: Chadwick Boseman At Level Ready Reader Hybrid, Distance and Packet

FREE: Chadwick Boseman At Level Ready Reader GOOGLE SLIDE VERSION

Kamala Harris High-Low Reader Reader & Kamala Harris At Level Ready Reader

Kamala Harris High Low Ready Reader & Kamala Harris At Level Ready Reader GOOGLE SLIDE VERSION

Tulsa Race Riots – At Level and High – Low Ready Readers

Tulsa Race Riots – At Level & High Low Ready Readers GOOGLE SLIDE VERSION

Frederick Douglas – At Level & High-Low Ready Reader

Frederick Douglas – At Level & High-Low Ready Reader GOOGLE SLIDE VERSION

If you have any questions or comments, please message or email me at [email protected]. Please look for other Ready Readers in my TPT store

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Summer Fun Following Directions”

by Mary Bown
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Give your kiddo something to do! This fun summer sheet will encourage reading skills as well as keep your child busy! Great to use while on long car rides or just as a fun summer activity!

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Writing and Graphing One Step Inequalities FREEBIE”

by Keep On Growing
6th Grade

Are you looking for a quick 6th grade math activity to review writing one step inequalities? One step inequalities word problems? This resource includes writing and graphing 20 real life one step inequalities. BONUS: Spanish version included.

This resource includes…

PRINTABLE PDF: This resource is aligned to CCSS 6.EE.8

➡️ 1 Activity: Write and graph 20 real life scenarios


➡️ Answer Key

Please reach out and let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. My e-mail address is [email protected]Please consider rating this product. You’ll get TpT credits by just sharing your feedback and they can be used to lower the price of future purchases.

⭐️ Follow Me ⭐️ All my new products are 50% OFF for the first 48 hours ⭐️

Be in the known of all new products, sales and FREEBIES.

If you are looking for multiple Expressions and Equations resources, this EXPRESSIONS and EQUATIONS BUNDLE will save you $$$. It includes 12 resources that cover 6th grade math Expressions and Expressions standards.

Check out these other products:

✅ Writing and Graphing One-Step Inequalities LESSON PACKET (English and Spanish)

Solving One-Step Inequalities LESSON PACKET (English and Spanish)

✅ Writing Algebraic Expressions LESSON PACKET (English and Spanish)

✅ Exponents LESSON PACKET (English and Spanish)

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Custom Requests”

by Reading with Mrs D
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Did you see something in my store, but it wasn’t quite what you were looking for?

Did I use Canadian or American spelling of a word, and you’d prefer to see it in the other? Or British, Australian, etc?

Would you like something in a different colour?

Do you need a rewording?

Something additional or expanded pages?

Whatever change or ADDITION to a product you were looking for, please Contact me through the Q&A.

One of two things may happen:

1. I will add your request to the product at no additional charge, and you may re-download at your leisure. (small/easy changes).
2. I will create a custom product for you to purchase and download. (large/complicated changes).

Unfortunately, there are some changes I will not be able to accommodate, but I will do my best to help you!

ALL you need to do is ask, and as we tell our students, there is no harm in asking right?

Before you pass on this product, if it’s not quite what you’re looking for, this is your chance to make a Custom Request! PLEASE Leave me a Q&A above.

Copyright © Desiree @ Reading With Mrs. D. All rights reserved. This product is intended for ONE classroom use only. It is not to be shared with colleagues, co-teachers, whole school or school board. It is not to be distributed or shared in any manner or saved online digitally for others to access. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of the copyright act. Clipart and fonts in this document are not to be extracted and used outside this file as it violates another authors copyright. This is intended for your OWN PERSONAL use only.

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You can receive FREE credit towards ANY purchase on TPT just by leaving Positive feedback? Just click on My Purchases to leave star ratings on past purchases! Or leave it below Now. It’s that easy!

***If your feedback is to tell me you had technical difficulties with the product please contact TPT first.

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Consider selling them on TPT! It’s very easy, and I can answer your newbie questions for you.
Become a Seller today!

• To know when new products are added to my store, please click the GREEN STAR above.
• Visit and Follow Reading With Mrs. D on Facebook.
• Follow the Reading With Mrs. D blog.

Thank you for shopping with me, and have fun teaching this year!

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Grocery Shopping Special Education Life Skills Money Math Worksheet”

by Adulting Life Skills Resources
6th – 12th Grade

This Free SPED Money Math Grocery Shopping Life Skills Worksheet is designed for middle and high school students. A no-prep life skills worksheet that teaches students how to find the sale price apply sales tax, and calculate the costs of essential grocery items. This money math worksheet will engage your students with product illustrations, relatable dialog, and real-world scenarios.

What’s included

  • Everyday grocery shopping scenarios that involve real-life money math.
  • Identifying a sale, calculating sales tax, and calculating a total cost.
  • Each word problem includes multiple-choice options, making it perfect for students needing additional decision-making and math skills support.
  • Each word problem includes multiple-choice options, making it perfect for students needing additional decision-making and math skills support.
  • With this free money math life skills resource, you can help your students with special needs gain the confidence and social skills needed to succeed.

Why Use

This free special education money math worksheet can be used in high schools and SPED life skills programs.

When to use

This money math resource is perfect for grades 7 – 12, adult special education programs, and autism life skill centers. Individuals can also use it during therapy sessions such as ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) or speech therapy.

How to use

✔️This free money math resource is printable, easy to use, and ready to hand out!

✔️This highly interactive Money Math resource will KEEP your high school students engaged!

You may also like

Seasonal High School Life Skills Special Education No-Prep Worksheet Bundle

Career Exploration Support for High School Life Skills Worksheet Bundle

Money Math Worksheets – Reading Restaurant Menus – Grocery Shopping – Clothes Shopping

Managing Money Finance No-Prep Activities for High School Special Education

Independent Living Skills No-Prep Activities for High School Special Education

Personal Safety No-Prep Activities Life Skills for High School Special Education


Online: PDF Format

Online: Fillable PDF File

Print: Portrait Orientation

Print: 8.5″ x 11″ Letter

Let’s Connect

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Follow my store and social media pages for the latest updates, sales, freebies, and new resources!

Adulting Life Skills ResourcesAdulting on the SpectrumPinterest |

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Compare/contrast ‘The Thunk’ and ‘The Very Blue Thingamajig’ – character traits”

by Robust Reading Resources
2nd – 3rd Grade

Comparing and contrasting characters can be challenging for students.

This resource includes three graphic organisers to support students to compare and contrast the inside and outside traits of two characters drawn from much-loved picture books by two acclaimed authors:’

  • “The Thunk” by Michelle Robinson; and
  • “The Very Blue Thingamajig” by Narelle Oliver.

Students use the graphic organiser of the teacher’s choice to identify traits that make the characters unique and traits that the characters may share.

If this is a new skill for the students, teachers may choose to use the graphic organisers to model this through whole school discussion.

To follow my store, click on the green star under my store name at the top of this page, where the hyperlink says, “Follow me”.

You are also more than welcome to join us in the Picturebook Fanatics – Children’s literature & critical literacy FB group where we share free curriculum-related ideas for using children’s literature in the classroom.

Finally, this purchase is for single classroom use only, so basically, if you did not purchase it yourself, you do not have permission to use it, as it would breach copyright. If a teaching buddy is interested in this resource, please direct them back to this link at my store. No further distribution is permitted by any means whatsoever. Many thanks for supporting your teacher-author creators in this way.

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

After you’ve made your purchase, go to your My Purchases page (link at top). Beside each purchase you’ll see a “Provide Feedback” button which will enable you to give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you provide feedback, TPT rewards you with feedback credits that you can use towards your future purchases.

#compare #contrast #thunk #verybluethingamajig #thingamajig #venn #charactertraits #narelleoliver #michellerobinson

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by Rita Mitchell
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Bright reference page for students as they work with the different phonemes! Enjoy!!

Happy Sounding,


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Kindergarten Literacy and Math 4 page FREEBIE”

by Sherry Clements
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

This four page resource includes both language arts and math activities

1) addition word problem with a variety of strategies to solve the problem – drawing, number line, ten frame, and equation

2) ten frames 11-20 – fill in the ten frames to match number

3) opinion writing – butterflies or grasshoppers

4) complete the word with the missing vowels

I hope you and your students enjoy this resource!

PLEASE leave me some feedback. — THANKS! After downloading, click the back arrow on your browser and it will take you back to the feedback page. Thank you!

**********Please follow me by clicking on the green star by my picture above to be notified of new products and freebies!**********

Related Products
⭐ Addition and Subtraction Word Problems BUNDLE
⭐ Opinion Writing Bundle
⭐ Write the Room CVC Words (Short a)
⭐ Write the Room (CVC Words)
⭐ Ten Frames 11-20 Winter (Fill in the Ten Frames)

Please visit me at:




Thanks for your feedback and please tell your friends about my FREEBIES!

Sherry Clements

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Hamlet Act 1 Scene 1 Complete Lesson and Work Package”

by Plan Mr B
9th – 12th Grade

First lesson, first scene of my new Scene by Scene Hamlet Work Package! (Now Complete!)

This updated Hamlet work package provides everything you need from:

-Fun and creative analysis/organizers to help students understand

-Creative/Predictive/and deeper connection questions

-Quote Translations


-Detailed and entertaining analysis to make Hamlet not only easy, but fun!

This is a 6 page comprehensive work package focusing solely on: Act 1, Scene 1

*UPDATED* Now includes 2 page Answer Key

Click Here for the next scene! (Act 1, Scene 2)

All 5 scenes from Act 1 can now be purchased together in a: Full Discounted Bundle

Whole Hamlet Unit Bundle now available for a majorly discounted price!

Click: Here

Follows and Requests welcome! Click Here to for updates and notifications on new lessons/price drops!)

For more engaging work packages and lessons please visit the

Plan Mr.B! Homepage: Click Here to go now!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Person Outline Set – Free, Blank Templates in Black and White | PDF & PNG Format”

by Artful Clips
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Are you tired of wasting time on drawing outlines that just don’t look right? I’ve got you covered with my Free Person Outline Set. I’ve designed a variety of simple, blank templates for you. All you need to do is print them out and get creative. No more struggles with getting the perfect outline!

➜ ➜ ➜ Check out the product preview at the top. You’ll find a watermarked version of the whole product there.

These templates are perfect for preschool and kindergarten coloring pages, simple craft projects, and so much more. Plus, I’ve included PNG clip art images with transparent backgrounds for each one. This means you can effortlessly add them to your own printable worksheets and creative activities.

My Person Outline Set Includes:

  • A total of 24 black and white images (12 png format and 12 pdf pages)
  • 12 full body designs of a child standing – including gender neutral outlines with hands up and hands down, 4 boy outlines with basic hairstyles and 4 girl outlines with different hairstyles
  • PDF format for quick and easy printing, portrait orientation
  • PNG clipart images with no background – use them in your own worksheets (commercial use allowed)
  • Activity ideas sheet to give some inspiration

Download my free Person Outline Set and dive into creative activities with your students without delay!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “{Freebies} End of Year Memory Book Printable Worksheets”

by Little Learners Corner by Reyhan Reyyula
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

{Freebies} End of Year Memory Book Printable Worksheets.

Page size is 8.5 x 11 ” Feel free to print and use as many times as you wish.

This is a digital download and no physical copies will be sent.

Download these enjoyable and practical worksheets today and let your child enjoy learning, it can be used in your classroom or at home for personal use.

Due to the digital nature of my listings, I am unable to cancel an order once work has begun or offer exchanges. Thank you for your understanding.

You may use this digital file for personal use only. No commercial use or reselling.All right reserved by ReyyuLa. Feel free to print this item for yourself, to display online or to give as a gift. Please do not share or resell the digital file.

You can print the files at home on a color inkjet or laserjet printer, or get them printed at a local print shop.

***Customer Tip***

Don’t forget to provide feedback and earn Tpt credits for future purchases!

* Go to My Purchases {you can find this when you click the arrow on the side of your name in the top right side}

* Click the Provide Feedback button beside each purchase

* Rate the product and add a short comment, we love 5 stars!

* Each time you provide feedback you receive a feedback credit to use toward future purchases. The next time you shop, you can simply add your credits when checking out to lower the purchase cost.

***Don’t forget to click the green star at the top to be the first to know when I release new products and weekly freebies***

If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].

Feel free to message me for any queries or personalization.

Will be glad to help. Thanks for supporting my small business.

Thank you & Happy Creating,

Love x ReyyuLa

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Informational Task Cards for Any Nonfiction Picture Book Grade 1-3 **FREEBIE**”

by A Reading Heart
1st – 3rd Grade

Wondering what you can do to keep the learning going after you finish that read-aloud? These cards will save you tons of prep time becasue they are at-the-ready for anytime you finish reading an informational picture book. Use them alone or pair them with your lessons. Tailored for elementary students, these 24 unique cards promote higher-order thinking skills after reading. Students can answer aloud , or produce a finished product by answering on paper. Ideal for literacy centers or small group work, the cards prompt critical analysis, encouraging kids to summarize, compare, and draw connections.

Related Products:

❤️ It’s Nice to Meet You Begin the Year Activities Book

❤️ FREEBIE Consonant Digraph Bingo

❤️ The Vegetables We Eat Book Companion Grades K-3 for Google Slides™️

❤️ Informational Book Task Cards Grades 2-4 Kids Love Reading Themed

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Free Downloads Father’s Day Game! Centers!”

by Created by Kimberly Sullivan
Kindergarten – 4th Grade

Free Father’s Day Game KIDTALK WITH DAD

Purpose: communication and sharing

There are 24 KIDTALK questions!

Players move around the KIDATALK WITH DAD game and share their thoughts.

Questions must be answered in complete sentences.

The KIDTALK questions are open- ended questions.

This is a fun game to share with Dad or to use as a center. One student will have to be Dad.

This game is a fun way for students to get to know one another or spend some quality time with Dad.

Grades K – 3

Cards can be read to younger children.

Thanks for visiting my shop and browse around for more freebies!

Thanks for downloading and feedback is always appreciated.


Kimberly Sullivan

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free End of the Year Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs MC – 2023”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

We hope you enjoy using these “Free End of the Year Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative – 2023” with your students and also click on the links to THOUSANDS of lessons for the entire school year!

  • Positive Notes from the Teacher
  • Heart-Shaped End-of-the-Year Memory Flipbook
  • FREE Syllable Count and Sort Literacy Center Activity
  • Teach Parts of Speech FREE | 4 Nouns, 4 Verbs & 4 Pronouns | Science of Reading
  • The Last 26 Days of the School Year Activities List
  • Prepositions Summer Clipcard Game
  • 3rd Grade Math Summer Review FREE Sample
  • End of Year Math Review 6th Grade | GCF and LCM Secret Message
  • Possessive Nouns Grammar Worksheets for Distance Learning | Distance Learning
  • FREE Math Task Cards – Creating True Algebraic Equations Using Only Four Numbers
  • Free Lesson Ice Breaker Storytelling Using Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces
  • Free Back to School Lessons
  • Free Winter Holiday Lessons
  • Free Valentine’s Day Lessons
  • Free End of the Year Lessons
  • 100+ Free Lessons & Teaching Ideas
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Blogs
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative WordPress Blog
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Facebook
  • The Best of TpT Pinterest Boards

Need more free end of the year lessons? Go to…

IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE FILE or you have any questions, feel free to email Victoria Leon at [email protected].

Wishing you the very best during your summer break,

Vicky and

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Special Father’s Day Cards – No Prep Required”

by Teachtree
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Make Father’s Day extra special this year with editable Father’s Day Cards! Perfect for fathers, grandfathers, and uncles, these no-prep, customizable cards are easy for students to make and will be cherished for years to come. Have your students give their loved one(s) something special this Father’s Day with a personalized card!

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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Stonewall Uprising & the LGBTQ+ Movement WebQuest-Civil Rights/Distance Learning”

by Social Studies with Ms Mc
9th – 12th Grade

Teach the Stonewall Uprisings and an overview of the LBGTQ+ movement with this webquest!

Students will view sites like the National Park Service, the Digital Public Library of America, and PBS. They’ll answer questions as they go, prompting them to identify major information about the Stonewall Uprising and its effects.

You can use this resource for virtual learning with your students. Since websites do change, I included descriptions of the sites in the questions in case the hyperlinks are adjusted.

This resource is great for Pride Month, a unit on Civil Rights, a unit on modern America, or a unit on social justice!

I used this resource with 10th graders in a U.S. History class.


Related Resources

Women’s Movement: Notes, Worksheet/KEY, & Stations! Feminism, ERA, Roe v. Wade

Civil Rights/Anti-Vietnam Protest Groups:Era of Social Change Woodstock Simulation

Latinx Civil Rights Movement Gallery Walk & Guided Notes

1960s Protest Gallery: Comparing the Anti-Vietnam War and Civil Rights Movements

Chicano Movement: Stations Activity & Cesar Chavez Primary Source Worksht BUNDLE


Teacher Tips

Get TpT credit toward future purchases!

Please leave a quick rating and comment for this product. From your My Purchases page, click the “Provide Feedback” button. TpT will give you feedback credit — lowering the price of your future purchases! Plus, your feedback helps me create better resources for my students AND you! ☺

Follow Me!

Click the green star next to my store logo. Become a follower to receive email updates about my resources!

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free End of the Year Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs MC – 2024”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

We hope you enjoy using these “Free End of the Year Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative – 2024” with your students and also click on the links to THOUSANDS of lessons for the entire school year!

  • FREE End of the Year – Achievement Awards (80 Count) 5” X 7”
  • Create a Pop-up Rainbow Card for Senior Citizens
  • FINAL Blends Picture Sorts for Ending Consonant Blends FREE
  • Beach CVC Words and Pictures Sandpail Summer March Up FREEBIE
  • Subtraction Facts Within 20 Color By Number Activity Learning
  • Elementary Drama Lesson Sound Effects Grades 3 to 6
  • 3rd Grade Math Summer Review FREE Sample
  • End of Year Writing Activity | Printable | Google Drive | Easel
  • Energy Stick – Lessons & Idea FREE Sheet
  • Beginning/End of the Year Gift Tags & Thank You Cards
  • Free Back to School Lessons
  • Free Winter Holiday Lessons
  • Free Valentine’s Day Lessons
  • Free End of the Year Lessons
  • 100+ Free Lessons & Teaching Ideas
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Blogs
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative WordPress Blog
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Facebook
  • The Best of TpT Pinterest Boards

Need more free end of the year lessons? Go to…

IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE FILE or you have any questions, feel free to email Victoria Leon at [email protected].

Wishing you the very best during your summer break,

Vicky and

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative

Join The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative at
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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Summer Reading Bookmarks / Last Day of School and End of Year Activity Freebie!”

by Arabic for Breakfast
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Cute Last Day of School Bookmarks for you, your students, little one or classroom! These cute little bookmarks are easy to put together- just print and cut! They make a great activity for kids and students as summer approaches and are great for teachers in the classroom or library to encourage students to read!


This Product is Useful for:

*Tape a cute pencil, eraser, or candy for an extra special touch! You can also add these to goodie bags or hole-punch in the corner and use as sweet labels for desserts, gifts, goodie bags or anything you please! You can also gift it with a book or journal!

*Your little ones or students to encourage reading!

*Teachers who would like to give their students a little something to let them know they are thinking of them on this special day! It’s sure to put a smile on the face of your students!


Why Pick this Product?

*Cute design and sweet message!

*12 unique designs for you or your little one to print and pick as you choose!

*Two pages of colored bookmarks and an option for black and white to save ink!


What Age/Grade Level is This Product Appropriate for?

This product is intended for all ages!


Page Content: This product contains 12 different Summer Reading bookmark designs. Two pages have four colored bookmarks and one page of black and white.

Print on cardstock and laminate for the best quality!



This product is intended for use in a single classroom by a single teacher. It is the copyright of Arabic for Breakfast (c) and is protected under DMCA law as the intellectual property of Zainab Jaafar. To share with any other parents or educators, you may purchase other licenses. A BIG thank you for supporting small businesses and educators like you!


Check out some of my other ~COOL~ End of the Year / Last Day of School goodies!

Last Day of School Print and Cut Cards for Students / FREEBIE!

Last Day of School Activity Task Cards

Looking Forward to Summer Activity Task Cards

Class Appreciation Task Cards

More Coming Soon!

Look for more of my interactive products covering Arabic subjects, from the alphabet to grammar rules as well as cultural touchstones of the Islamic and Arabic community coming soon to my shop! These products are so comprehensive yet easy to follow, you can practically have them for breakfast!

Hope you enjoy this little freebie!

Zainab Jaafar

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Victoria Leon’s TpT Store

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FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE SHAPES TASK CARDS Trace draw write Center activity Morning work”

by Lingua Land Education
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

These FREE SHAPES task cards are perfect for morning work to practice the following shapes: TRIANGLE-CIRCLE-RECTANGLE-SQUARE. This set includes 20 cards in 3 different sizes to make your life easier (6×4, mat size, small card size)! Just print and use, or laminate and use with a dry-erase marker over and over again. This is a free resource so please be kind and rate my store. 🙂

What’s included?

-1 pdf file with 20 cards in 6X4 (10cm x*14cm)

-1 pdf file with 20 cards in small card format (4 cards per page) and mat format

-Activities included for the shapes: TRIANGLE-CIRCLE-RECTANGLE-SQUARE







  • Laminate the 6×4 cards and add a dry-erase marker in a box to create a morning work box/tub.
  • Use the mat size for centers and lower levels. For example, set one table to work on a specific shape (ex. triángulo) and place the laminated mats around the table with markers in the middle of the table. Set a time to work on each table (10-15 minutes).
  • Use the smaller card size organized with a binder ring for individual or pair work. Students can work on their cards, clean them and exchange them with a partner. This card size is also great for fine-motor skills as they must solve the card in a smaller size.

If you have any ideas please let me know in the comments.

Would you like to see this product in another language? Let us know.

Key words: shapes, K-3, math, centers, task cards, mats, end of year, homeschooling,morning work, morning tubs, activities.


Thank you for browsing my store.





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VEO VEO Spanish Speaking Game | I spy…

Summer – Editable Name Bookmarks
Redistribution of these materials, including on the Internet and/or by email, is strictly prohibited. You do have permission to make copies of these lesson plans to use with your students in your teaching environment.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Undies Clipart Freebie”

by Mrs VanMeter
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

I needed some clipart for an upcoming unit and could not find what I was looking for. Therefore, I decided to create my own. I am offering it as a freebie. Please let me know how it works for you. There are a total of 20 images.

You may use these images in your commercial products including TpT products. You do not have to give credit for using my clipart, but it is appreciated.


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Skip Counting by 10s – Roman Numerals (FREE)”

by The Teacher Treasury
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Each symbol is worth 10. Skip count by 10s to find the sum.

Students are asked to skip count by 10s up to groups of 10.

For more advanced students, I recommend having them write a repeated addition and/or multiplication sentence to represent each question.

If you find this helpful I would also recommend the following FREE worksheets:

Skip Counting by 2s – Cherries (FREE)

Skip Counting by 3s – Ice Cream Scoops (FREE)

Skip Counting by 5s – Fish (FREE)

Skip Counting by 100s – Zebras (FREE)

For even more practice I suggest:

Skip Counting Packet: 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s, and 100s Printable Worksheets

Hope this helps and please leave feedback =)

Skip Counting by 10s – Roman Numerals (FREE) by Felisa Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Flipping Through The Fish: Sorting CVC Words, Real and Nonsense”

by Differentiation Station Creations
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

FREE!! Flipping Through The Fish
Sorting CVC Real and Nonsense Words
Center and Game

This is a center to help students practice decoding individual phonemes and then blending the sounds together to read. Using real and nonsense words helps students to really focus on each individual phoneme. You are able to assess their knowledge of the each specific sound, because students are reading words that they have never encountered before (nonsense words).

Students will read the words on the fish and then sort onto the real or nonsense mat. This makes the reading process fun!

This product is great for kindergarten, RTI, special education, homeschool, and for any child that needs extra practice in decoding and blending CVC words!
If you loved “Flipping Through the Fish”, you need to take a look at these games and activities!
Check out more phonics products here!

See my products in action on my blog, Differentiation Station Creations

Get more freebies and great ideas on my Facebook Page
Customer Tips:How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:
• Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to become a follower. Voila! You will now receive email updates about this store. ☺
Key words: Free, kindergarten, first grade, interventions, RTI, special education, homeschool, CVC, real, nonsense, make believe, sorts, fish, ocean, summer, short vowel, short vowels, sorting, differentiated, differentiation, Differentiation Station Creations

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FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE Metric System BOOM Cards”

by The Science Vault
6th – 8th Grade

This Boom Card set for metric system skills contains a sampling of 6 cards with metric conversions, metric word stories, and comparisons of various metric lengths. Great for online, hybrid, or blended learning and integrates easily with Google Classroom, Schoology Powerschool, and Canvas. Interactive, easy to use, and no prep – PLUS students get immediate feedback on their answers!

Appropriate for any middle school class or even as a quick review for 9th graders. These Boom Cards are a great way to reinforce concepts quickly – students enjoy the interactivity and teachers can use them as a meaningful activity for some students while working in a small group with others. Great way to have a break-out room with a smaller group of students while knowing that the rest of your students are guided through meaningful work with these cards. The immediate feedback is so helpful for students who are still a bit unsure of the concepts!

This small set of cards is from my full 32 card set – lots of great interactive practice for your students and self-graded for you! Find the full set here:


ABOUT BOOM CARDS: To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always free and a great way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options, you’ll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details:

USING BOOM CARDS IN YOUR LMS: You can use Boom Cards in Google Classroom™, Schoology, Canvas, Powerschool and more! CLICK HERE to find out how!


Online Learning Resources

Metric System Bundle: Notes, Worksheets, Review Game, Task Cards

Science Logic Puzzles

Electromagnetic Spectrum PPT and Google Slides

Boom Learning℠ and Boom Cards™ are the trademarks of Boom Learning Inc. Used with permission.**

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Balance the Scale: Equations Within 5 for Google Slides – Distance Learning”

by Keep Your Chin Up
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This is a great activity for students to practice fluency of addition and subtraction equations within 5. Students will drag and drop the 2 equivalent equations to the scale. (You can even differentiate this activity by putting one of the equations on one side of the scale so students have to find the equivalent equation.)

This is a digital assignment that should be used with Google Slides. Watch this video tutorial to see how to add and assign this resource to your Google Classroom. I also have aBoom cards version of this activity.


  • 12 slides of balancing the scale within 5
  • Optional recording sheet
  • Answer key

Check out these other digital resources for Google Classroom!



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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Ending Sound- ull Worksheet”

by The STEM Shop – NGSS Science STEM Resources

This product was originally created to compliment our Kindergarten Physical Science STEM Unit and to help young students learn about forces! However, this worksheet is also perfect as a stand-alone -ull ending sound practice worksheet!

What’s included in this product:

  • Ending Sound -ull Student Sheet
  • BONUS- Kindergarten Physical Science Vocabulary Word Wall Cards

This product is also included in our Complete Kindergarten Physical Science S.T.E.M. Unit.

Check out some of our other push & pull resources!


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FREE MATH LESSON – “Rainbow 10 – learn 10 bonds – practice addition”

by ZippadeeZazz
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

This pack includes:

* Rainbow 10 Poster to show all ten bonds.

* Rainbow 10 worksheet to practice ten bonds.

– PDF and ready to print

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Cause & Effect Printables ~ TEST PREP! Reading Comprehension”

by Teacher Karma
2nd – 5th Grade

FREEBIE Cause & Effect Printables – TEST PREP was designed to improve your students’ reading comprehension skills.

Using the Cause & Effect TEST PREP Printables in your classroom will give your students an opportunity to:

*Provide all students will the opportunity to succeed ~ includes multi-level differentiation printables
*Encourage students to stay engaged with high interest topics
*Creative learning through interactive printables
*Challenge students to think

*You will find a wide range of student printables to meet the needs of all of your students.


* NOTE: The description below describes my FULL-PRODUCT Cause & Effect Printables.

Cause & Effect TEST PREP Printables


Included in Christmas Cause & Effect Printables:

** Cause & Effect Shopping
** Cause & Effect Shopping answer key
** Cause & Effect Candy
** Cause & Effect Candy answer key
** Cause & Effect Let’s Dance
** Cause & Effect Let’s Dance answer key
** Cause & Effect Easter
** Cause & Effect Bugs
** Cause & Effect Cupcakes
** Cause & Effect July 4th
** Cause & Effect Boo!
** Cause & Effect Beach Day
** Cause & Effect Snow Day
** Cause & Effect Lemonade
** Cause & Effect Football
** Cause & Effect On the Farm
** Cause & Effect On the Farm answer key
** Cause & Effect Doctor Visit
** Cause & Effect Doctor Visit answer key
** Cause & Effect Birthday Party
** Cause & Effect Birthday Party answer key
** Cause & Effect at School
** Cause & effect at School answer key

NOTE: Answer keys are available for all printables except for those that have open-ended or multiple answers.


Customer Tips:

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:
• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. ☺

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:

• Look for the red star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. You will now receive customized email updates about this store. ☺


Additional Cause & Effect resources:

Cause & Effect TWITTER Game


Thank you for checking out TEACHER KARMA! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns with this product.

[email protected]

Teacher Karma

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Animal Partner Pairing Cards Free”

by I Love 1st Grade by Cecelia Magro
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Partner pairing cards – animal pairs edition. Introducing the ultimate solution to revolutionize student pairing: partner cards! These cards ensure every student in your classroom gets the opportunity to work with their peers. No more students feeling left out, as these cards guarantee an inclusive learning environment.

Cards included:

  • Dog and bone
  • Bunny and carrot
  • Squirrel and acorn
  • Fish and fishbowl
  • Bear and honey
  • Chicken and egg
  • Cat and yarn
  • Mouse and cheese
  • Seal and fish
  • Pig and mud
  • Spider and web
  • Frog and lily pad

These versatile cards aren’t limited to pairings alone; they can ignite a world of possibilities in games, cooperative groups, and even buddy reading sessions. Immerse your students in the joy of collaborative learning by combining pairs to form dynamic groups of four. Get ready to experience the trifecta of ease, speed, and pure fun as you effortlessly facilitate the process of pairing up your students.

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FREE MATH LESSON – “FREE Butterfly: Graph Mystery Pix {PowerPoint}”

by Loreen Leedy
1st – 3rd Grade

Kids watch this self-running 7 minute PowerPoint show for clues to solve the mystery butterfly picture (see thumbnail image). They use the lettered rows and numbered columns to locate each square and color it as directed. Optional questions are aligned with CCSS 1.OA.6 and 2.OA.2 (Add and subtract within 20.) A printable graph/grid is included. Your kiddos will enjoy combining math + art!

Please let me know if this has been useful to you.

Click here for all my PowerPoint activities.

Here are all my math resources.

Thanks for stopping by!

Loreen Leedy
Children’s author-illustrator
My newest picture book is Seeing Symmetry
See my 40+ picture books at

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FREE MATH LESSON – “5th Grade Multiply Multi-Digit Whole Numbers | Task Cards | 5.NBT.B5”

by Math MindEd Teaching
5th Grade

Help your students master multiplication of multi-digit whole numbers with these task cards. This activity will help support one of 5th grade’s MAJOR CONTENT STANDARDS of performing operations with multi-digit whole numbers. Students must be able to MULTIPLY whole numbers, using the standard algorithm. Use this TASK CARD activity to help reinforce multiplication of whole numbers.

Directions to the Teacher: Print and cut out cards for students. Make copies of the Recording Sheet for students. You may choose to laminate for future use.

Included are:

8 Task Cards with 3 digit by 2 digit factors

8 Task Cards with 4 digit by 2 digit factors

8 Task Cards with 4 digit by 3 digit factors

Recording Sheet

Answer Key



Grade 5 – Place Value Patterns – Task Cards – DIGITAL – Distance Learning

Grade 5-Division Task Cards w/ Multi-Digit Dividends – DIGITAL-Distance Learning

Grade 5 or 6 – Equal or Not Equal Card Sort with Decimal Divisors

Grade 5 – Division Task Cards with Multi-Digit Dividends

Grade 5 – I Have, Who Has? – Expanded Form Decimal or Fraction Notation

Grade 5 – Multiplication and Division by Powers of Ten – Match Game

Grade 5 – Compare Decimals to Thousandths – True or False – Card Sort

Grade 5 – Decimal and Word Form to Thousandths – Match Game

Grade 5 – Round Decimals to Any Place – Match Game

Grade 5 – Place Value Patterns – Task Cards

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