by Primary Teachspiration
2nd Grade
This free week of second grade Morning Work Daily Spiral Review is a one-week sample of my 2nd Grade Math & ELA Daily Spiral Review Morning Work. It is a prelude to the first of six units that will take your students through the entire year of morning work.
The Morning Work provides a daily spiral review of all common core math standards and grammar, spelling, and writing skills for second grade. Second Grade Morning Work Math & ELA Daily Spiral Review is perfect for in-class or distance learning.
This Morning Work is simple and quick, yet effective for learning, reviewing, and maintaining skills all year! And to top it off, it’s just challenging enough to keep your second graders motivated as they gain a feeling of self-accomplishment.
This week-long sample works great as an introduction to any of the Morning Work units. However, it is perfect to use for the first week of school as a part of the teacher’s introduction to establishing the morning routine.
Use the sample and do it together with your second graders during the very first week of school to set the tone for the rest of the year. You won’t regret it!
For the remainder of the year, let your second graders’ morning work actually work for them to master essential 2nd Grade Common Core English Language Arts and Math skills by the end of the year through continual daily morning work review.
This strategy produced amazing results for my second graders because they didn’t forget what they had learned.
Common Core State Standards covered include:
⭐️ ELA – W.2.5, L.2.1, L.2.2
⭐️ Math – All Grade 2 Standards as the year progresses
The morning work Language Arts Daily Edit portion of each printable provides two sentences to be edited (using editing marks) and then rewritten correctly as edited.
It is more than just a simple “Fix the Sentence” activity. The sentences are designed to practice and spiral review the ELA Common Core Standards of editing, grammar usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling patterns. The comprehensive daily editing increases in difficulty and becomes second nature over time, which helps to strengthen writing abilities in all areas.
The sentences were aligned with my particular reading series units but can be used effectively with any second-grade language arts program.
The Common Core Morning Work Math Review portion is designed to practice and spiral review ALL Second Grade Common Core Standards in a repetitive format that increases in difficulty over time, including 5 addition and/or subtraction facts on every page.
This free sample is for the first week of school or any time as a part of the teacher’s introduction to establishing the morning routine with 2nd Grade Morning Work.
Included are:
⭐️5 Morning Work practice pages
⭐️Answer Key
⭐️Resource Background
⭐️How To Use Common Core Morning Work
⭐️ Editing Marks poster -will serve as a constant reference for
students; can be copied for each student, posted in the class-
room or center, or projected.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐Janina L. says, “Can I give it an A+?! This was great practice for the first week to gauge where my kiddos are! Thanks for sharing!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐ sheloves2teach says, “I love that this has a sentence writing activity, as capitalization and punctuation is something we need to practice. Also like that addition is presented in different ways, with and without visual aids. Nice! Thanks for sharing.”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐ Lauren O. says, “During school closures, I needed modified morning work for my fourth graders with special needs. This morning work was perfect! It allowed me to see what students needed more help with. Each sheet had just the right mixture of grammar and math. I was even able to upload it to google classroom and add in text boxes so that students could access it while learning from home. Now that we are back in school I am able to print out the pages again!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My SpEd Life says, “I have a vast range of kiddos in my special education classroom and I use this (and one of your other packets) as homework and it’s WONDERFUL! Makes my life a bit easier to know homework is at least taken care of and beautifully differentiated. 🙂 Thanks!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Sassy Apple says, “This morning work has been a blessing in my classroom. I have not always been a fan of morning work–especially a worksheet everyday. I use this 4 days a week. We take the time to thoroughly correct together (I let them use red pencils to correct their own)! But it has been so much more than that–each question is a great review of our current skills. We stop to answer “why” and “how” we got to our answers. It has initiated meaningful conversations--especially about math. Some days it takes us up to 30 minutes to go over because of how in-depth my students talk about their strategies. Thank you!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Lisa R. says, “I am so appreciative of the layout of each unit. I especially love how concepts are ongoing throughout the year. It is nice that students are constantly practicing and reviewing. It’s like a little “refresher”. Thank you for your wonderful products!”
Purchase the individual units or ⭐️Bundle & save for a greater discount ⭐️
Get the Morning Work Math & ELA Bundle for all 6 Morning Work units!!
For an even greater discount, you can purchase the Morning Work Mega-Bundle to get both the 1st Grade Morning Work Bundle & the 2nd Grade Morning Work Bundle!
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Copyright: Primary Teachspiration
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