FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “The Barren Grounds by David A. Robertson Pre-Reading Activities”
by Making ELA Matter
6th – 9th Grade

The Barren Grounds by David A. Robertson is an engaging middle grade fantasy novel that was chosen as the middle grade option for 2021’s Global Read Aloud. The author is a a member of Norway House Cree Nation, and an important aspect of this novel is presenting the story to shine a light on indigenous culture and perspectives.
This resources lays a foundational background for students prior to reading the novel, and the activities included will give students the information they may need to understand the Indigenous topics and perspectives provided in the novel.
What’s included:
⭐Teacher Notes, Tips and Suggestions
⭐Pre-Reading Journal Entries
⭐Link with a template for students to create their own Cree Dictionary
⭐About the Author Articles and Graphic Organizer
⭐.Bookfomercial Graphic Organizer Activity
⭐Exploration Activity on the meaning of Indigenous
⭐Legend of the Fisher – Link and Activity Resource
⭐Additional Resource Links
★Answer keys for all applicable activities are included.
✅This resource will be forever FREE, and in the spirit of the read aloud, I will be uploading additional resources throughout the read-aloud that will remain FREE through the month of November.
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