FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Black History Month Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocab for Middle School”
by Mrs H’s Speech Therapy Room
6th – 9th Grade

This is the Freebie Sample edition of the Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary for older students which has themes focused on Black History and works perfectly for Black History Month speech therapy sessions in middle school. Many of our speech and language therapy goals incorporate finding the main idea, explaining inferences and figurative language, remembering sequences, and defining vocabulary using context cues. This language therapy resource sample addresses all of these skills. Themed reading comprehension paragraphs are used to provide students with a relatable context. By giving the students this non-stressful context, they are more open to exploring the more challenging tasks they need to master. In the full sets, each seasonally appropriate theme also easily allows you to incorporate ancillary vocabulary that students can then use within the classroom and social settings.
There is an original fiction and nonfiction paragraph included for each theme. You can complete one sheet during a session and give the second as homework or if you see a student twice per week you will be able to use a different page for each session.
All pages are black and white so they are ink friendly and easy to copy. Answer keys are provided!!
These amazing worksheets also work for articulation students who need some language enrichment. Just print a page and hand them a highlighter ( my middle school students love the scented markers for this). After they find all of their sounds in the paragraph and highlight them, they can read the paragraph out loud. They can complete the lower half out loud and as a reinforcement at home.
Check Out The $ SAVING FULL YEAR BUNDLE: Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary Middle School Speech Therapy FULL YEAR Bundle
Also available in monthly packs 🙂
⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary for Middle School Speech Therapy – September Edition
⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 2 – October Edition
⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 3 – November Edition
⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 4 – December Edition
⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 5 – January Edition
⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 6 February Edition
⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 7 March Edition
⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 8 April Edition
⭐ Main Idea, Inferences, Sequencing & Vocabulary in Middle School Speech Therapy 9 May Edition
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