FREE MATH LESSON – “Area and Perimeter FREE Guided Notes for Interactive Notebook & Binder with Key”
by Kacie Travis
7th Grade

Need quality guided notes for your 7th-grade math interactive notebooks (INB) that don’t waste paper? Or that don’t waste time spent folding? These notes teach how Area and Perimeter and all parts of the page are used with guided notes, guided practice, and independent practice. Students cut the guided notes section off for note-taking and then use the leftovers for guided practice, visual cues, and independent practice. No more wasting space on a page or scraps of paper!
Also includes a full-page version of notes for easy use in a binder.
Included in this resource you receive printable guided note pages:
- vocabulary
- area
- perimeter
- recall how to find the area and perimeter for parallelograms and triangles
- apply the formulas to explore composite figures
- guided practice and examples
- teacher key
Check the preview to see how they work and what’s included on the pages. These guided notes are helpful with fulfilling IEPs and 504s and they are written to help support student note-taking. Also very helpful for English Language Learners.
Want a teaching PowerPoint to accompany these notes? Click here!
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©Kacie Travis ©The Efficient Classroom All rights reserved. Purchase of this unit entitles the purchaser the right to reproduce the pages in limited quantities for classroom use only. Duplication for an entire school, an entire school system, or for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden without written permission from the publisher. Kacie Travis, [email protected]
Copying any part of this product and placing it on the Internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly forbidden and is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). These items can be picked up in a Google search and then shared worldwide for free.
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