Daily Archives: February 7, 2025

FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “How to Make the S Sound – Spaghetti Clues!”

by Kathy Babineau
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

The S sound is such a tricky one for so many of our early elementary students to pronounce! Are you wondering how to explain to your students how to make the s sound? This spaghetti clues resource is a great trick! At my school, I have some wonderful teachers who welcome me (the speech therapist) into the class to teach quick lessons to all of the kids! One of my favorite things to do is mini articulation lessons.

In this freebie, I’ve included a quick description of a mini-lesson for teaching the S sound in the classroom, a poster, and a worksheet. There are so many touch cues and verbal cues, but this is what has worked for me.

I hope you like it!


*Quick lesson plan

*List of S words (initial, medial, and final)


*Spaghetti worksheet.

Related Products

☆ Articulation Worksheets for S Freebie

☆ Articulation Worksheets for the Whole Year

☆ Coloring Pages for Speech Therapy

☆ Scrambled Sentences for Speech Therapy

☆ L and L Blends Picture Cards Freebie

☆ Speech Therapy Coloring Pages – Big Letters

☆ Speech Therapy Fall Homework – Speech Therapy Worksheets for Home Practice

☆ Speech Therapy Summer Homework – Speech Therapy Worksheets for Home Practice

⭐ I have used this resource for a few years now and it is MAGIC! I have cut out pieces of string to help them visualize the spaghetti, but otherwise I use it just as it is. I have used it with multiple clients and now feel like I can deal with lateralized /s/ no problem. Thank you so much for this wonderful resource! – Speech – Love – Teach
⭐ From one SLP to another, this is creative, fun, and appropriate. Thanks – SLP Runner
⭐ This is laminated and hanging on the wall in the speech room. I have also included it in homework packets for students. They really love it. – Margaret L.

Kathy Babineau MS, CCC-SLP

Speech Language Pathologist


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