FREE MATH LESSON – “St. Patrick’s Day Color by Fraction Freebie!”
by Kristine Nannini
4th – 6th Grade

This is a 3 page freebie that includes:
-1 direction page for students to use in order to complete this activity independently
-1 “Color by Fraction” coloring guide page
-1 “Color by Fraction” picture with fractions
-A colored version and black and white version of the above printables
Fractions can be a tough concept for students to master, and I am always looking for new ways to review. This freebie offers students a fun way to review adding fractions with unlike denominators using the sums to color in this super cute leprechaun! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Use this in a center, for fast finishers, enrichment, review, or to supplement your adding fractions unit. Enjoy!
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Copyright© 2013 Kristine Nannini
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. Not for public display.
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