FREE Fraction Activity

Looking for a great picture book to help your students understand multiplication with fractions? 

Fraction concepts are often the most challenging for students to grasp and teachers to teach. On top of that, fraction operations can be even more challenging to teach because students are unable to connect the actions of fraction operations with that of whole numbers. Students need a lot of experiences to develop these skills and build a solid understanding of the concepts.


One way to help students “see” the action of the operations is by using picture books. My favorite way to teach fraction multiplication is to start with Multiplying Menace. It’s a great springboard to introducing fraction multiplication. Not only will this book help your students “see” the operation, but it will allow students to compare the effects of multiplying whole numbers with the effects of multiplying by fractions.


To accompany the book, I created an activity to help students analyze the situations in the book. Click here or on the image to the right to grab a free copy the activity sheet. 

Want to know more? 
Head on over to The Routty Math Teacher website and check out my latest blog post, “Teaching Fractions with Math Picture Books” to read more about Multiplying Menace and learn about Multiplying Menace Divides. Read it here!


