FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Formative Assessment Graphic Organizer for Reading”

by Fun To Teach

Pre-Kindergarten – 6th Grade

Formative Assessment Graphic Organizer for Reading

This graphic organizer will help you analyze your formative assessments and identify your next learning targets!

Adjust and differentiate ongoing instruction and improve student achievement with this easy to use graphic organizer.

Formative assessments are used during instruction to support the learning process. This student feedback helps us adjust and differentiate ongoing instruction to improve student achievement.

Most formative assessments are quick and easy and do not take an excessive amount of time. They are easy to use on a daily basis.

Formative assessments include:

exit tickets journal your learning

lists reflections

bell ringers graphic organizers

summaries lists on sticky notes

quick write anecdotal notes

check lists: interview and observation

Questions to ask:

What did we do in class? Why did we do it?

What did I learn today?

How can I apply it?

What questions do I have about it?

Adjust and differentiate ongoing instruction and improve student achievement with this easy to use graphic organizer.

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