by EduTunes With Miss Jenny
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Introducing “Apples!” Deedee Wills and I have teamed up to create a set of monthly poetry songs.
This file is the freebie version of a larger set. In the paid mini-set, you get 4 songs, and each includes:
1. A link to a video that illustrates songs–with an emphasis on lyrics to promote reading.
2. An mp3 track for each song with vocals
3. An mp3 track for each song karaoke version
4. Lyrics in color and black and white.
Please head HERE if you’re interested:
The larger set including 36 videos/songs/lyrics featuring poetry music for the year is available HERE.
Deedee has also made TONS of additional activities to accompany these songs. Click HERE for the mini-version.
Click HERE for the full-year version.
***Please follow me at “EduTunes With Miss Jenny”.
Finally, you’re welcome to download my organized, clickable K-6 catalog HERE.
Thanks for trying my music. I hope I can make a difference in your classroom!
Jennifer Fixman-Kramer
“Miss Jenny”
Lyrics © 2015 Deedee Wills. All Rights Reserved.
Music © 2015 Jennifer Kramer, Edutunes. All Rights Reserved.
Musical Production: Pierre Gill
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