by Mad Eye Moody Productions
8th – 10th Grade

Are you doing a poetry unit with your secondary students? This NO PREP packet is for you!
This 10-page NO PREP packet of notes has 6 common poetic devices in 3 sections: vocabulary, application, and analysis. There is a teacher version (with answers identified) and a student version. Both are 10 pages each.
Included vocabulary:
• Alliteration
• Extended metaphor
• Hyperbole
• Onomatopoeia
• Rhyme
• Theme
If you like this sample, be sure to follow my store to receive a notification for when the full version, which contains 10 additional poetic devices/terms, more poems for identification and application practice, and independent practice for students (including a TP-CASTT) is posted!
This file is in .pdf format, but if you would like an editable version, please contact me at [email protected] for details.
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