by EngagingTech
7th – 12th Grade

Create a Contact Sheet II with Photoshop CC – free no prep graphic design lesson
Use for distance learning!
Teach your students how to make a contact sheet. A contact sheet is a file (PDF, JPEG, PNG, or other image file) you create with Photoshop that contains thumbnail (small images) references for all the images in a given folder of your choice.
You will receive a 7-page PDF file with step by step instructions and a “Brain Challenge” for your students to practice independently.
This is a free lesson in the same style of all the Photoshop lessons I sell on TpT. Please download and use in your classroom.
Video lesson available here:
All our lessons for high school students:
*Are ready to use onscreen or printed
*Are reasonably priced
*Contain text instructions with many step-by-step screen shots
*Emphasize skills needed for the technology workplace
Contact me if you have suggestions or questions about my products: [email protected].
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