by Southern Fried Teachin
4th – 6th Grade

Menu Math Freebie ~ FREEBIE ~ Menu Math ~ 4 Differentiated Math Activities ~ Part of my Menu Math
Students love to be able to make choices in their learning and have fun at the same time. So, why not let them!
Menu Math is a fantastic tool to use in your math classroom because it allows for differentiation, choice, fun, and creativity. Students are encouraged to think critically and creatively through the use of Menu Math.
Menu Math consists of Main Dishes, Side Dishes, and Desserts.
Main Dishes are the main required projects, and they are done first.
Side Dishes are done AFTER the Main Dishes and involve more creativity and choice.
Desserts are done AFTER the Main Dishes and the Side Dishes and are the “fun” projects, where students get to create videos and games.
These 4 sample differentiated math activities are part of myMenu Math pack.
There are 242 total projects or activities from the following topics:
~ Addition – 16 activities
~ Subtraction – 16 activities
~ Multiplication – 27 activities
~ Division – 32 activities
~ Multi-Step Problems – 14 activities
~ Operations and Problem Solving – 7 activities
~ Place Value – whole numbers and decimals – 18 activities
~ Factors and Multiples, including prime and composite numbers – 31 activities
~ Fractions and Decimals, including equivalent fractions – 18 activities
~ Geometric Figures – 9 activities
~ Measurement – Volume, Weight, and Length – 27 activities
~ Perimeter and Area – 9 activities
~ Estimation – 9 activities
~ Time and Temperature – 9 activities
A grading rubric along with a self evaluation is also included for you to use in assessing the Choice Boards.
My students loved Menu Math. My students worked on Menu Math while I met with my small groups for reteaching. They loved to be able to choose how they showed me what they know.
The best thing about Menu Math is that everything is changeable and adaptable. You can mix and match the activities and projects around however you want – including 2 place value activities, 3 addition activities, 1 multi-step problem activity, and 3 perimeter and area activities. You can use it to see their background knowledge and what they remember and know from the previous year. You can use it for review or assessment. It’s so flexible. If students are continuing to struggle in one area, continue the same type of activities onto the next week.
You might also be interested in my Problem Solving Strategies Posters.
Please click on the links to view additional products in my store:
Inherited Traits and Learned Behaviors {Science} Scoot
Mixtures and Solutions {Science} Scoot
Place Value Puzzle Scramble – decimals word form through thousandths
Critical Thinking Stems Bundle – Star Wars theme
Please visit my blog at Southern Fried Teachin’ for more ideas, photos, and freebies!
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