by Laura Randazzo
8th – 12th Grade

This collection of 16 coloring pages can be used in a variety of ways:
• Give to early finishers during testing/quiet tasks to allow time for other students to finish their work.
• Keep students’ hands busy while listening to audiobooks or podcast-based lessons.
• Create a stress reduction bulletin board where students can help themselves to their choice of coloring sheets.
• Help teens learn to calm themselves during stressful moments by focusing on a mindfulness task.
• Use in counseling offices as part of art therapy or SEL training.
• Build a take-and-make library display with books on meditation, stress reduction, and/or how to build a mandala.
• As a random act of kindness, leave a bunch of coloring pages and some colored pencils or markers in the faculty break room. Teachers need a brain break, too!
Did you or your students use these pages to make something awesome? Snap a photo and tag or message me @randazzled on TikTok and Facebook or @randazzo_laura on Instagram. I’d love to see your creations! Be well, teacher friend.
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