by Whimsy in School Counseling
7th – 12th Grade

Empathy? What’s that?! Oh, you mean that thing where people should consider what it’s like to walk in someone else’s shoes? **Insert obligatory comment from students wanting to trade shoes.**
This lesson provides a nice, brief concrete activity to help demystify that abstract life skill we call empathy. Every student completes a short, shoe-themed activity. These are then collected and randomly redistributed. With your superpowers of facilitation, this brief lesson becomes one of those profound ‘lightbulb moments’ that make a difference for individual students and for your school climate.
Pro-tip: If you are teaching this lesson to a large number of classes, for example, every freshman homeroom, the entire school, every health class, etc., collecting these finished worksheets and using them in a hall display or bulletin board creates a powerful display, and also increases interest in the lesson scholars will be participating in.
This download includes lesson plans, a shoe-themed version of a short activity sheet scholars will complete as part of this lesson, and suggested discussion topics, PLUS a virtual version of this lesson and a self-grading virtual exit ticket!
ASCA Standards: B-SS 4, B-SS 10.
This resource last updated on: 10/22/2022.
Thank you to Mae Hates Mondays for the lovely clipart on the cover of this listing! Thank you to The Design Shop by D Salem, Educlips, and Flapjack Educational Resources for the clipart in the video of this listing!
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