Editable Bundle
This bundle contains EDITABLE behavior clip charts, 2017-2018 calendars, and student trackers. And uneditable award certificates, brag bracelets, parent communication logs, and more! These are fantastic ways to positively promote and manage student behavior in the classroom.
**Editable Behavior Clip Chart**
Included In This Resource (Saved in the standard resolution of 300 pixels):
This set contains EDITABLE behavior clip charts to change the behavior terms. There are 7 background choices to go with most classroom themes. Also, there are full and half page choices to meet your classroom needs. The “Ready To Learn” has a 2 page option. Also included are examples, award certificates (in color and black & white), award bracelets in color, parent introduction letter, parent contact form, and a behavior class tracker.
Included in this Resource:
✓ How I Use This Resource
✓ Examples
✓ Editable Parent Letter Home
✓ Editable Chevron Behavior Clip Chart
✓ Editable Star Behavior Clip Chart
✓ Editable Mini Polka-Dot Behavior Clip Chart
✓ Editable Mini-Chevron Behavior Clip Chart
✓ Editable Foil Behavior Clip Chart
✓ Editable Water Colors Behavior Clip Chart
✓ Editable Raindrop Behavior Clip Chart
✓ Award Certificates in Color
✓ Award Certificates in Black and White
✓ Award Bracelets in Color
✓ Parent Contact Form
✓ Behavior Tracker
✓ Parent Communication Log
*There will be a link to download from Dropbox in the zip folder because this bundle is too big to upload!
*There is also a 600 pixel for the resolution available for download on Dropbox. The information is in the “How I Use This Resource” page.
You may also be interested in the uneditable Behavior Clip Chart
**Behavior Management (Editable) Monthly Trackers**
This set contains EDITABLE calendars for the 2017-2018 school year (August 2017-July 2018) AND templates for future years! Each calendar has editable behavior codes, a place to enter your e-mail address, and label the day if needed. The calendars are in color, black and white, and with regular font. The calendars show Monday-Friday only so it does not confuse the students with weekends.
The behavior calendar provides daily behavior documentation and opens communication with parents. I have my students color in the behavior earned for the day in the square at the end of the day.
Included In This Resource:
✓ Monthly PDF Calendar (3 Choices)
✓ Monthly Editable PPT Calendar (4 Choices)
✓ Editable PPT Calendar Templates for Future Years!
✓ Parent Communication Sheet
✓ Behavior Class Tracker
**Individual Student Behavior Tracker (Editable) for Classroom Management**
This tracker allows a student to set behavior or task goals each day. It is editable to enter the goals/tasks and change them as needed. There are 6 choices of half page with 5 goals/tasks focus or one full page by schedule. The reward or incentive can be typed underneath the tracking box. I’ve also included goal/task ideas to copy and paste.
Included in this Resource:
✓ Examples
✓ How I use This Resource
✓ 6 Half Pages Editable Goal/Task Tracker
✓ 1 Full Page Editable Tracker by Schedule
✓ Behavior Book Cover/Back Page
✓ 4 Choices of Pages for Behavior Notebook
I’ve also included the behavior book which can be used simultaneously. I suggest to use the behavior book for extreme or serious behavior incidents. I try not to overuse the behavior book.
Clip art, background, and tables cannot be edited.
Happy Teaching!
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