Category Archives : 9th Grade

FREE MATH LESSON – “Trig Identity Find It! Game FREE”

by The Enlightened Elephant
7th – 12th Grade

This game helps students practice identifying the basic trig identities; reciprocal identities, quotient identities and pythagorean identities.

Students work in pairs to find equal identity expressions before their opponent. Includes 2 game boards.

You might also like these other PreCalculus and Trig resources and activities:
Precalculus and Trigonometry Resources

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Spring Clipart Freebie–Chirping Chicks”

by Teacher’s Palette
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

••• Spring Chicks Clipart••Easter Clip Art••Chicks for Covers and/or Coloring •••
This 9-image Spring clipart set includes 8 colored chicks (shown) and 1 blackline version. They can be used for commercial, personal, or classroom purposes.

All images are PNG files (with no annoying background squares), so shadows can easily be added, and the images can be layered into multiple resources. You are free to use them for personal or commercial use (no credit necessary). Please click on the Preview button above to see more details about the Terms of Use.

You might also like: Spring Clipart: Funny Bunnies

Note: This is a zip file. Before purchasing, please be sure that you are able to open zip files.

©Teacher’s Palette, 2016

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Pen Clip Art – Pen Cartoon Clip Art – Commercial Use”

by Marcelle’s KG Zone
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

This package consists of 3 STYLES OF PEN CLIP ART that are made into little people pen pal cartoons. I want to introduce a pen pal program with my KG’s this year where we use mailboxes and the kids write to each other so I created these to use on the stationary I am planning to use for this and wanted to share. I hope you can find a use for these little pens as well.

There are 3 styles and each style comes in 5 colours and each colour comes in light skin and dark skin to maintain multiculturalism and diversity. So all together there are 33 pen clip art images in this file.















If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Thank you for looking

Happy Teaching 🙂


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Movie Permission Slip”

by English with Ease
2nd – 12th Grade

Free printable editable Movie Permission Slip template for in-class movies, film clips, music videos, short firms, animated Pixar films, advertisements, documentaries and other educational videos. Adjust this generic permission slip to quickly distribute a fail-proof permission slip for your upcoming classroom movie analysis.

PDF and editable Google Doc.

You may also like 🙂


Why wait? Download my Free printable editable Movie Permission Slip template PDF and editable Google Doc.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Poster Reminder to Learn Through Play”

by Ellen Weber – Brain based tasks for growth mindset
5th – 12th Grade

Free Poster to Inspire Play’s Place in a Learning Brain of Any Age!

This FREE Poster is part of a larger complete play unit to help you build a brain based culture one game or playful task at a time. Find games and playful ideas in these materials to connect student strengths to facts about their brains.


Engage students in fun learning adventures so they question for curiosity, target brain facts, expect quality outcomes, move multiple intelligences into action and reflect of gaming possibilities for any topic they learn.

Students love to design user-friendly, adaptable, easy-to-play games. Find playful challenges to identify individual and group preferences for games that teach through fun.

Brain based materials here are tested and proven to get higher motivation and achievement for all ages. No extra prep needed – games are designed by students – and related materials come with ready to roll games and answer keys.

Hopefully these ready-to-roll brain-based materials will benefit your learners and leaders as they do mine at middle, secondary, university levels and beyond.

Do follow my TpT site and keep up with brain-friendly materials to enhance your class.

If you have any further questions about how to get the most from this product, please do contact me at [email protected] and I’ll be glad to help further.

All the best as you learn and lead with the brain in mind!

Join the Brain Based Circle! Connect with Me!

Brain Leaders and Learners Blog
Mita Brain Center Facebook
efweber on Pinterest
@ellenfweber on Twitter
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Ellen Weber on LinkedIn

Created by Ellen Weber, Brain Based Tasks for Growth Mindset

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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “Juries in Ancient Athens Primary Source Analysis”

by Leah Cleary
7th – 10th Grade

Help your students to better understand their own jury system by analyzing the Ancient Greek jury system. Students will read a primary source about Juries in Ancient Athens, complete an APPARTS foldable graphic organizer, answer questions, and complete a Venn Diagram comparing juries in the U.S. to juries in Ancient Athens.

Here is what you’ll find in this EDITABLE package:

–Short Reading

–APPARTS Foldable Graphic Organizer

–Reading Questions

–Venn Diagram

–Answer Key

Use these materials to analyze the foundations of juries in Ancient Athens.

***This is a part of three of my time and money saving bundles.***

Classical Greece and Ancient Rome Interactive Notebook Bundle

World History Source Analysis GROWING Bundle

World History Interactive Notebook Mega Bundle Complete Curriculum

If you like this, try Google and OneDrive Compatible World History Resources:

Paperless Resources

***How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases***

• Go to your My Purchases page. Beside each purchase you’ll see a “Provide Feedback” button. Click it and you will go to a page where you can give a rating and leave a comment for the product

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• Look for the green star near the top of any page in my store and click it to become a follower. You will then receive updates about my store.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “St. Patrick’s Day Activities, Grammar Proofreading Coloring-by-Number”

by Julie Faulkner
6th – 12th Grade

In this fun St. Patrick’s Day-themed coloring activity, students are are working on standards while coloring!! Students must edit sentences for errors in subject/verb agreement, apostrophes, capitalization, commas, spelling, pronouns, fragments, run-ons.

Answers and suggestions for use are included! Great for literacy centers!!

Looking for more of these creative grammar practice pages?

St. Patrick’s Day Grammar Worksheet Freebie

Thanksgiving Grammar Worksheets

Halloween Grammar Worksheets

Christmas Grammar Worksheets

Winter and New Year Grammar Worksheets

Valentine’s Day Grammar Worksheets

Easter and Spring Grammar Worksheets

Patriotic and Veterans’ Day Grammar Coloring Set

Summer Grammar Coloring Set

Christmas Grammar Coloring Set

Back to School Grammar Coloring Set

Sports Grammar Coloring

Valentine’s Day Grammar Coloring Set

Earth Day Grammar Coloring Set

Halloween Grammar Coloring Set

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches. Look for the green star next to my store logo and click it to FOLLOW ME. Presto! You will now receive email updates about my store.

For more ideas and inspiration:

For more ideas and inspiration:

Faulkner’s Fast Five Blog

Julie’s Classroom Stories on Instagram

Julie’s Classroom Stories on Facebook

Teaching Middle and High School English Facebook Group

Yearbook and Journalism Facebook Group


Terms: This purchase is for one teacher only. This resource is not to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives. All art and images credited in file.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE! Thesaurus Abuse Worksheet, Fun Brain Break, Writing Lesson, Word Choice”

by Laura Randazzo
7th – 10th Grade

I often have students who rely too heavily on the thesaurus as they craft their essays, resulting in overwrought sentences that block, rather than illuminate, the writer’s meaning. Using a little humor, this handout helps students see what happens when one abuses the thesaurus. This handout, which can be completed as a solo or team activity/race/game, requires students to match up a series of well-known proverbs and sayings with their overwritten versions.

Once students have completed the handout, it’s best to review the answers together, as I’ve found that some of my students have not heard of all of these common proverbs/sayings. Non-native English speakers will definitely need special assistance, as the vocabulary is intentionally convoluted and these students probably are not familiar with many of the original sayings. The worksheet provides a valuable exercise to help everyone understand these proverbs and the effect appropriate word choice has on tone and meaning.

When I have extra time, I also assign the students to rewrite the original proverbs/sayings into new language to give them practice on taking a cliched idea and making it fresh.

To add an extra little bit of fun to this lesson, be sure to check out this charming clip from the T.V. show Friends:

(Special shout-out of thanks to user Katy353 for sharing the link!)

This handout is also works great as part of your emergency sub materials – it’s fun and easy to administer.

If you like this creative lesson idea, be sure to click HERE to check out other free and budget-priced products to entertain and challenge your students.

Thanks for stopping by!

Cover image credit: Pixabay (composite of several images), Public domain

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Group Project Role Cards (FREEBIE)”

by Graceful Pedagogy
5th – 10th Grade

A common frustration of group projects for teachers and students alike is the uneven distribution of work that often happens. Designating group roles ensures that each student has a clear idea of their responsibility to the group and understands how they can contribute. It also provides an opportunity for students to develop collaboration skills and personal responsibility.

How to Use

You can assign students their roles or, to help them practice cooperation and autonomy, have them determine their own roles. Students will receive a card with their role and the role description, and they can write their name on the blank space provided on the card. It is helpful to remind students about their roles periodically. You may also want to clarify that students can assist their group mates with different roles–i.e. just because you have one role does not mean you can’t contribute in other ways too. The whole group is responsible for the entirety of the final product, not just their portion.

Roles Included:

  • facilitator
  • scribe
  • artist
  • editor
  • materials manager
  • timekeeper
  • director
  • reporter

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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “FREE US History Civil Rights Era Package: Primary and Secondary Source Analysis”

by Creating History
7th – 12th Grade

This package utilizes a number of primary video clips and other online resources to help students better understand the Civil Rights era. In addition, a free online textbook is also used! ANSWER KEY included!

Sample events covered:

– Brown vs. the Board of Education

– Rosa Parks

– Showdown in Little Rock

– Sit-ins

– Freedom Riders

– Malcom X

– MLK – “I Have a Dream”

Check out my other resources including complete courses!

World War Two Resources

Complete American History Course – $100 OFF

Complete Canadian History Course

Additional Courses are available for Canadian Civics and World History!

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Full Text of ‘An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge’ (printable with photos)”

by Write with a Point
9th – 12th Grade

Ambrose Bierce’s popular work, “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,” is a common and engaging text used in secondary English classes. Written just ten years before the turn of the century, Bierce’s story addresses themes of time and reality in interesting ways. Indeed, his film has remained popular since its release because of how he tackles these themes–specifically in his twist ending. As far back as 1964, French film director Robert Enrico created an Academy Award winning short film based off this story (which, by the way, is also very popular among students).

This product includes:

1) The full text of Bierce’s short story in a reader friendly, printable edition

Additional Products:

– Set of 30 one-pager templates (that include fall and Halloween themed templates)

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “The 12 Ways of Learning”

by Dr Erica Warren
Kindergarten – 9th Grade

This is a visual web of the 12 ways of learning. Teaching needs to be a multisensory experience and this diagram helps to highlight the different ways of processing information for younger learners.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Reading Tracker – Status of the Class Check for Reading or Writing Time”

by It’s a Teacher Thing
3rd – 10th Grade

Here’s a quick way to focus the class before a session of independent reading or writing workshop. The Reading Record-Status of the Class sheet helps you track student independent reading accountability or independent writing workshop time.

Use the Status Check twice a week as a motivator and a reminder that reading is expected and it matters and that independent writing time is for making progress. Record books a student has completed, and focus in on those struggling readers who may need some modification. The Status of the Class Sheet is perfect for the homeschooler or any grade level requiring independent reading or independent writing workshop time.

This resource is part of my Reading Response Reading Logs for the Entire Year.

Included you’ll find

• 1-Status of the Class Record Sheet

• 1-Instructions for the Teacher

You might also like these other products from It’s a Teacher Thing:

Finding Theme in Literature

Reading Response Prompts

Literature Circles Unit for Book Clubs

Test Practice for SBAC and Common Core

How to get TPT credit to use on future purchases:

• Please go to your My Purchases page (you may need to login). Beside each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you.

Be the first to know about my new discounts, freebies and product launches:

• Look for the green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. You will then receive customized email updates about this store. All new products are 50% off for the first 24-hours!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Stress Relief Doodle”

by Chuck’s Cornucopia
5th – 12th Grade

Here are two doodle pages that you can give to your students when they are in need of a break. Let them make bright work that will brighten their day!

These letters can be found within my clip art product that will allow you to personalize stress-free doodle sheets for your students.

Please check the product out.

Stained Glass Letters Alphabet Clip Art – All Uppercase

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Black History Month FREEBIE Bookmarks Martin Luther King Jr Free Resource”

by StudentSavvy
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Black History Month Motivational Quote Bookmarks FREEBIES – Perfect for celebrating Black heroes all year long!

This resource contains:

  • 4 Printable Bookmarks

Includes inspiring quotes from the following Black heroes:

Martin Luther King Jr.

Toni Morrison

Oprah Winfrey

Chadwick Boseman

If you LOVE this resource, you will also enjoy:

Black History Month Activities Bundle


Tips for Savvy TpT Shoppers:

How to receive credit on TpT to use for future purchases:

• Go to your My Purchases page. Under each purchase you’ll see a Provide Feedback button. Simply click it and you will be taken to a page where you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product. I value your feedback greatly as it helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you.

Be the first to know about my new discounts, FREEBIES, and products:

• Look for a green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. You will now be able to see FREEBIES and customized emails from my store!


All rights reserved by the author. Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Electronic distribution is limited to single classroom use only. (unless you purchase multiple licenses)



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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Happy Martin Luther King Crafts Display Banners”

by Teach2Tell
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Need a banner to display Martin Luther King crafts your students make?

This bright and colorful banner reads, ‘Happy Martin Luther King Day’.

There is a choice of 2 banners:

  • Decorated with Martin Luther King themed images.
  • Plain featuring bright bunting flags and eye-catching font clip-art.


  • Cut out each bunting flag and laminate for durability. Staple to a ribbon or display on a bulletin board.
  • Display students’ work below banner.


This banner set is included in the below resources:


 New resources are 50% off.

 Please contact me with any queries regarding this resource.

Thank you!


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FREE SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON – “New Year’s Eve Customs from Around the World! FREEBIE”

by Gail Hennessey
5th – 9th Grade

Great for an INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK. Have students review the factoids about New Year’s Eve Customs and then do one of the extension activities.

I also have INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK Factoids on other topics including: pumpkins, Chinese New Year, turkeys, Diwali, mummies, Presidents, Women’s history and more.

Check out my web quest on New Year’s Eve and its history and customs around the world. Includes Diwali, Chinese New Year, Rosh Hashanah , Songkran and April Fool’s Day(originally started over when to celebrate the New Year!) New Year’s Traditions from Around the World



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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Latin Roots Interactive Flash Cards”

by The Illustrated Classroom
4th – 12th Grade

These flash cards work like traditional flash cards except instead of using plain ol’ text, they use interesting, colorful, funny images and animations to teach your students the meaning of academic word roots.

How does it work?

You show an image or animation to the class, and students mentally connect that image or animation to a Latin root.

For example, you might show a slide with an image of water pouring from a faucet. Students look at the image and think, “Water, …aqu!” They associate the water with the Latin root aqu. A meaningful and lasting mental connection is made.

I’ve used this mnemonic tool many times with middle school English and Science classes. The students enjoy it and it works.

Related Products

This free product is part of a complete mnemonic unit on Greek and Latin roots: The 84 Most Common Greek and Latin Roots Mnemonic Unit – Common Core Aligned

Why is it important?

Latin roots are word parts that have meaning. They are the building blocks of thousands of English words. Benevolent, malicious, amorous, aquifer, magnitude, migration — the list goes on an on — all of these words contain Latin roots.

Knowledge of word roots and their meaning is important and useful for our students because it gives them the ability to decode the meaning of unfamiliar words in a variety of situations.

Why use these flash cards?

There are three, research-proven components to memorization, and this tool covers all three:

1. Teach to multiple sensory modalities.

2. Information is remembered best if it is interesting or useful.

3. New information is easier to remember if it can be linked to something already stored in the memory bank.

These flash cards have a distinct advantage over traditional flash cards in that they are BIG. You can use them with the whole class at once. You can also set them up at a center or classroom computer and have students rotate through individually.

Computer Requirements

(PC Requirements: Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 and above; Mac Requirements: Microsoft PowerPoint 2011 and above)

This bundle covers the following Greek roots.

1. a, an – not, without

2. ab, a, abs – away

3. amat, amor, am – love, loving

4. ambi – both, on both sides

5. ambul, ambulat – walk, move

6. anima – breath

7. ann, enn – year, yearly

8. aqu – water

9. aud, audi – hearing, listening, sound

10. ben – good, well

All of the images used in this product are used in accordance with the terms of use set by their creators. No images were used without permission.

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by CrunchyMom
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Clip Art ♦ Cupcakes FREEBIE

Three delicious cupcakes for you, each with a cherry on top. Nom nom nom nom! ♥

Want more? Check out my Cupcakes Clip Art ♦ Basic Colors set, which includes 10 cupcakes in a rainbow of basic colors as well as a white-filled black line.

If you love these, please let me know in the comments! Thanks ♥

All images included are shown in the thumbnail.

All pieces are high resolution 300 dpi PNG images on transparent backgrounds and can easily be layered into your projects and lesson materials. They can be used with a variety of different programs including Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Photoshop.


Other products you may enjoy:Clip Art ♦ Mittens ♦ Basic Colors

Clipart ♦ Colorful Fish Clip Art

Clipart ♦ Balloons Clip Art


Terms of Use: ● Commercial use: This clip art may be used in commercial products, but MUST be flattened and secured if you use the images in products you sell (distribute). Clip art must not be the main element in your product, ex. coloring pages, and may not be used to create other clipart or digital paper.

● Personal classroom use: This clipart may be used in lessons, activities, SMART board or PowerPoint lessons/activities that are not distributed or sold.

● Blog/Website Usage: Images may not be displayed in blog posts, websites, or anywhere on the Internet in their original form. This would allow anyone to easily download and use the clipart. They may be used if flattened and secured with other design elements.

● Commercial credit is required: A link to the TpT store is required in both commercial products and freebies. A CM Logo image is included in the download file. The CM Logo with a link to my store must be visibly displayed if clipart is used on a blog or website.

A link to the Terms of Use is included in the download file and can be found HERE


THANK YOU for stopping by my store!

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Winter Holiday Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs MC – 2020”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Enjoy free Christmas lessons in “Free Winter Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative – 2020.” This eBook also includes hundreds of free lessons with links to our 26 holiday and Teacher Talk eBooks.

  • Christmas Acts of Kindness – For the Month of December
  • Winter Love Color Sort
  • Natale Word Search Freebie
  • Winter R Blends Activities Digital Boom Task Cards
  • Christmas Emergent Readers FREE – Open Dyslexic Font
  • Digital Citizen Pledge
  • Christmas EDITABLE Student Led Morning Meetings Freebie
  • December Celebrations Sampler Unit
  • 3rd Grade Math for December – Free Sample
  • Distance Learning Discussion Prompt Cards FREE
  • Christmas Grammar Color By Code Puzzle Freebie
  • Past Modal Winter Grammar Story with Reading Comprehension Distance Learning
  • Dots Fun for Everyone: FREE Math Activities Plus a Game That Uses Dominoes
  • Woody’s World – Sample Chapter and Activities
  • Holiday Informational Text: The History of the Grinch & Its Metaphorical Song
  • A Free Christmas Collaborative Writing Activity
  • Free Writing Activity for Distance Learning
  • Christmas Thank You Notes
  • More Free Lessons

IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE FILE or you have any questions, feel free to email Victoria Leon at [email protected]

Wishing you the very best during the holiday season,

Vicky and 

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free Winter Holiday Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs MC – 2023”

by Victoria Leon
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Enjoy free Christmas lessons in “Free Winter Holiday Lessons By The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs – 2023.” Then download thousands of free lessons from our 38 holiday and Teacher Talk eBooks, The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs blogs, and TBOTEMC Facebook page.

  • Winter Alphabet Practice Fill in the Missing Alphabet ABCs
  • Winter Language and Writing Sequencing Free Sample
  • Retell, Practice Sight Words and Vocabulary with Christmas Emergent Readers FREE
  • Gingerbread CVC Words and Pictures Match Up FREEBIE
  • R Blends Winter Activities Build a Snowman
  • Word Problems Set A | Free Sample
  • FREE Drama Lesson | Christmas Creative Writing Monologue
  • Creative Options for Writing Assignments in Middle School Science
  • FREE Math Puzzles Building Algebraic Equations Using Positive, Negative Numbers
  • Winter Holidays Classification Exercise and Holiday Crossword Puzzle
  • Winter Holiday Bookmarks
  • Holiday Gift Tags
  • Free Back to School Lessons
  • Free Winter Holiday Lessons
  • Free Valentine’s Day Lessons
  • Free End of the Year Lessons
  • 100+ Free Lessons & Teaching Ideas
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Blogs
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative WordPress Blog
  • The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Facebook
  • The Best of TpT Pinterest Boards

IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO OPEN THE FILE or you have any questions, feel free to email Victoria Leon at [email protected]

Wishing you the very best during the holiday season,

Vicky and 

The Best of Teacher Entrepreneurs Marketing Cooperative

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Listening Worksheet for Videos – Christmas Edition”

by Versatile Teacher Toolkit ESL and ELA Resources
7th – 12th Grade

This free resource contains a Christmas-themed and a general listening worksheet you can use with any short videos. This worksheet has three sections: before watching, while watching and after watching. Black and white version included.

What is included?

  • 1 Christmas-themed worksheet – colored option
  • 1 Christmas-themed worksheet – black and white option
  • 1 general listening worksheet to be used throughout the year

This resource focuses on the following strategies:

Before watching: predicting

While watching: finding the main idea, recording keywords and important ideas

After watching: personal response to the text and formulating two questions related to the issue (these questions will be discussed in small teams).

Thank you for stopping by!

⭐FILE DETAILS: Paper size: 8.5″ x 11″ (Standard US Letter). Documents are not editable unless otherwise stated. Resources are available either in a PDF or PPT file.

❤️SATISFACTION: Before downloading a product, read the product description and check out the preview document to determine if the resource is appropriate for your students. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

✨TERMS OF USE: ©️ Versatile Teacher Toolkit – ESL and ELA Resources. All rights reserved.

For personal or educational use. You may make copies for your personal or classroom use. Sharing, posting, redistributing, or selling this resource or any part of it on the Internet is prohibited. You can read my full TOU here: Terms of Use


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by The Underrated Teacher
Kindergarten – 12th Grade

In this freebie you will find two different hall passes, a regular hall pass, and a drinking fountain pass. Print, cut, and laminate to use in your K-12 classroom!


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• Once logged into to your account, go to your My Purchases page. Next to each purchase you make, you’ll see aProvide Feedback button. Click it. Once redirected to a new page, you can give a quick rating and leave a short comment for the product you purchased. Each time you give feedback, TPT gives you feedback credits that you use to lower the cost of your future purchases. Your feedback helps me determine which products are most valuable for your classroom so I can create more for you. Do you have other product ideas of interest? Feel free to suggest some new ideas.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “The Diary of Anne Frank Anticipation Guide-Pre-Reading Activity”

by English Oh My
7th – 12th Grade

*Successful pre-reading activity to introduce The Diary of Anne Frank.

*8 statements that will develop group or classroom discussion. Students can share their opinions about different situations.

How would you like 5 English Language Arts & Classroom Resources for ABSOLUTELY FREE???


****Please RATE and/or FOLLOW me after downloading my free product*** Thank you so much for your support!

Terms of Use:

Purchasing my teaching resources allows you to:

⭐ make copies for your own classes only.

⭐ place this file on your own password-protected class page or server (Blackboard, Google Drive, etc)

⭐ AS LONG AS no other teacher has access to that class webpage. This resource is for you, the purchaser, alone.

By purchasing my teaching resource, you ARE NOT ALLOWED TO:

⭐ make copies for other teachers or their classes.

⭐ distribute this digital resource to other teachers.

⭐ post this resource on any webpage or server that is available for public view, for other teachers.

If you and a team of teachers would like to use this resource together, please purchase additional licenses on the resource purchase page.

Failure to comply with these terms of use is a copyright infringement and a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Clipart and elements found in this PDF are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside this file without permission or license.

That’s right! Leave feedback on this product, and you will receive credits for your next purchase. I would greatly appreciate it if you contact me first if you have an issue with the product before leaving feedback. I will be more than happy to accommodate you! Just e-mail me at [email protected].





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FREE SCIENCE LESSON – “Isotopes | Complete, Inquiry-Based Chemistry Lesson”

by Lab In Every Lesson
6th – 12th Grade

There’s really no way to know the extent to which you and your students will experience the interactivity and convenience of my Learning Experiences and digital notebooks until you try them.

In my opinion, the most interactive lesson (and perhaps my most favorite all year!) is this Isotopes lesson — I’m happy to share it with you!

Enjoy this free Isotopes PowerPoint Lesson for in-class or virtual delivery. The companion Digital Interactive Notebook is also free!



In this interactive science lesson, students will learn about isotopes so they can:

  • talk like a scientist!
  • recognize the difference between mass number, exact atomic mass, and average atomic mass.
  • explain radioactivity.

Both you and your students will know they are successful when they can:

  • define terms on the Word Wall.
  • determine the composition of the nucleus for various isotopes.
  • name isotopes using their mass number.
  • explain how mass number is different from exact atomic mass.

The following components are included in this interactive science lesson to support student-centered learning:

  • a “Review & Preview” activity to activate and assess prior knowledge.
  • a “Word Wall” which showcases vocabulary that is central to the lesson content.
  • analytical reading or writing components to promote scientific literacy.
  • at least one independent or small group learning experience which allows (1) students to create artifacts as evidence of their learning and (2) teachers to review main ideas with the whole group.
  • data-dependent analysis of the learning experience outcomes.
  • detailed answer keys for the outlined activities.
  • formative assessment of mastery.

This interactive science lesson is designed for use on a smart whiteboard, for delivery in an online meeting space or as an upload to web sharing applications like Google Slides, Nearpod, edPuzzle, etc.

Coordinating Products:

BOTH OF THESE ^ PRODUCTS ARE FREE!!! Take the opportunity to download them to examine them for similarity and differences and consider how each might complement your instructional efforts.

Related Reading:

Though it could certainly be used independently, this lesson was prepared as part of a complete chemistry curriculum for student centered learning. You might find the following resources useful as you prepare to test this lesson in your classroom:

OR …

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Summary of Methods for Graphing Linear Equations and Solving Linear Systems”

by Dawn Designs
7th – 12th Grade

This product consists of a Summary of Methods for Graphing a Linear Equation worksheet and a Summary of Methods for Solving Linear Systems.

The Summary of Methods for Graphing a Linear Equation worksheet is a template with a summary of three methods for graphing a linear equation, including:

~ Point Plotting

~ X- and Y-intercepts

~ Slope-Intercept

Instructions are given for each method to guide the students through calculating points and plotting them on a graph. A blank is provided for an equation so that the teacher can assign the same equation or different equations to be plotted using each method.

The Summary of Methods for Solving Linear Systems page includes a chart which interprets solutions obtained through Substitution and Addition (elimination) methods to help the student determine if the lines in the linear system intersect at one point, are parallel, or coincide. Terminology and the concept of the comparison of slopes and y-intercepts is included in the chart.

You may be interested in these graphing products by Dawn Designs:

Graphing Linear Equations – Lecture: Plot Points, X- and Y-Intercepts, Slope

This worksheet packet includes instructions, examples, and practice problems and can be used during lecture or as a group project or homework assignment.

Graphing Linear Equations – Practice: Plot Points, X- and Y-Intercepts, Slope

This worksheet packet is great for practicing graphing methods and can be used as a group project or as a homework assignment.

Slope Concepts and Graphing Linear Systems

Reinforce 3 ways of determining slope, and use slope to determine the behavior of lines in a linear system.

Solving Linear Systems by Graphing, Substitution, Addition (Elimination), Slope

This package includes guided problem solving for solving systems by graphing, substitution, and addition (elimination) methods. NOTE: This package includes the Slope Concepts product above.

Clip Art Credits for Cover

Buford Girl


Summary of Methods for Graphing Linear Equations and Solving Linear Systems by Dawn Designs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Free! Christmas Tree & Decorations Clip Art (20 pieces)”

by Growing Smart Readers
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

20 images in 300 dpi format, with transparent backgrounds–This set includes a black and white outline tree and stocking.

This is my Merry Little Christmas set of cute trees and extra things to decorate your holiday files. All trees are hand-drawn and brightly colored for the holidays.

Decorate a tree or two! Decorate a wreath or two! Decorate with berries, stars, bows and candy canes! Layer them and combine them to create your own personal designs. Stretch and resize, too.

The trees are versatile enough to use in general non-holiday products, too….

There are 20 pieces in all!

8 colorful fir trees

1 black/white tree

1 red bow

2 stars

4 candy canes – 4 colors

1 green holly leaf with bright red berries

1 cute wreath with a red bow

1 red/white stocking

1 black/white stocking

They are all 300 dpi png images with transparent backgrounds. They are fun to layer, enlarge, stretch, or skew. Trees can be made tall, short, wide or skinny! Great for just adding that little festive touch to your documents.

For personal or commercial use–Please read the terms, which are standard copyright terms. I do ask that you include my store URL and name for credit on your document for any free or paid creations.

Thank you so much for stopping by and checking this out. I hope you enjoy these as much as I had fun making them! If you use these images for your projects, please leave feedback. It helps me improve my work!

Wishing you the best all year long!


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FREE MISC. LESSON – “Thanksgiving Clip Art by Jeanette Baker”

by Jason’s Online Classroom
Pre-Kindergarten – 12th Grade

Thanksgiving Clip Art – File includes 13 unique custom clip art images (as seen in the first thumbnail image) by Jeanette Baker in both color and black and white outline. Each image includes a PNG version with a transparent background as well as a JPG version with a white background.

About Jeanette
Jeanette Baker is an independent graphic designer and illustrator that sells her products through Jason’s Online Classroom. Do you have a request or suggestion? Email Jeanette!

All free or purchased clip art is available for commercial use with credit: “Clip Art created by Jeanette Baker @ Jason’s Online Classroom (”

With your purchase, you are being granted permission to copy and print the design. All copyrights remain with Jeanette Baker.

All paid and free clip art from Jason’s Online Classroom is available for personal and commercial use. There is no additional fee required for commercial use.

About Jason’s Online Classroom
Sign up for our EMAIL NEWSLETTER to receive important news, product announcements, and special deals and promotions. If you like the products in our store, make sure to FOLLOW US by clicking the STAR at the top of my home page to be eligible to win a $25 TpT Gift Certificate every month. Check out Jason’s Online Classroom on the web for news articles, blogs, teaching resources, online educational courses, entertainment, and much more. Visit our page on FACEBOOK for exclusive giveaways. Join our 40+ Collaborative PINTEREST Boards with amazing resources pinned from hundreds of teachers from across the nation and abroad.

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FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “Thanksgiving Gratitude Challenge {Freebie}”

by Jungle Learners
1st – 12th Grade

Challenge your students to think of 100 things they are thankful for! Included is an idea list to make it a little easier.

I know you have a lot of choices on TpT from a lot of talented sellers. Thank you for taking the time to consider my product. I would love to have you follow my store to be notified of future products and freebies!

Let me know if you have any questions and have a wonderful day!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jungle Learners TpT Store
Jungle Learners Facebook
Jungle Learners Blog

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FREE MATH LESSON – “Pythagorean Theorem Rule Reference Sheet.”

by 123 Math
7th – 9th Grade

A Pythagorean Theorem reference sheet to use for workbooks or to aid students at the start of the topic, when working through problems.

You will find both a color and a black and white version of the sheet.

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