Enjoy three FREE Easter-themed activities to reinforce your students number concepts and friends of 10.
The packet includes:
– Friends of 10 missing number cards: Students identify the missing number in the friends of 10 sum. Laminate and use with dry-erase markers for long-term use.
– Friends of 10 match and color: Students color the sheet by finding and matching their friends of 10.
– Friends of 10 roll and cover: Students play in pairs rolling a 6-sided dice and covering the friends of 10 on the answer sheet. Students aim to get 5 boxes covered in a row.
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• Look for the green star near the top of any page within my store and click it to become a follower. You will then receive customized email updates about this store.
Please let me know if this resource could be helpful to your students and you!!
We all are struggling to deal with this virus that is sweeping the world. Schools are being closed at a unprecedented rate. Students will not get that critical time in class to learn the new skills and may possibly lose what they may have gained up until this point without continued practice. I want to do my part and help teachers and parents make sure that their child is able to practice at home and with little or no cost to them as we help to stop the spread of this virus.
This is why I am offering this multiplication practice for free for the parents and teachers to help and to do my part!!
Thank you and above all, stay safe!!
Custom Core Creations
Please do not hesitate to ask ANY questions about this and any other resources before purchasing!! Thank you!!
***I really appreciate and value your feedback as it helps me decide which resources are the most valuable/important for you to use in your classroom so I can create more of those for you.
Although no TpT credit is given for feedback on freebies, it’s certainly helps me want to create more freebies!!!***
Do you love using Escape Room activities, but hate the prep? Then look no further, this resource is low prep and highly engaging. It can be used with or without technology and requires no lock boxes or elaborate set ups! Try this FREEBIE out today to see what my Escape Rooms are all about!
Escape room style math review. This escape room will review evaluating expressions and identifying equivalent expressions content, in a fun, engaging way! It covers the 6th-grade CCSS 6.EE.1, 6.EE.2, 6.EE.3, and 6.EE.4.
There are 3 levels of rigorous content they need to work through.
Level 1 (5-digit code)
Students work through questions about evaluating expressions and identifying equivalent expressions. 6.EE.1-6.EE.4
Level 2 (5-digit code)
Students work through questions about evaluating expressions and identifying equivalent expressions. 6.EE.1-6.EE.4
Level 3 (5-digit code)
Students work through questions about evaluating expressions and identifying equivalent expressions. 6.EE.1-6.EE.4
This is a great way to review expressions and evaluating expressions content you’ve taught in 6th grade or a great way to review previously learned content with 7th graders. Make the days leading up to your assessment fun with this rigorous and engaging math review.
**This resource was featured in the TPT Secondary (6-12) Newsletter!
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just need some cards with numbers on them! Whether it’s to pair kiddos up in groups, to sort evens/odds or primes/composites, or even to play a quick game of war with whole numbers – the possibilities of how you could use these adorable cards is endless…
No activities are included with these number cards 🙂 Just made as a time saver!
******************* Like what you see? Leave me feedback! I am constantly looking to improve my items!
Personal Copyright: The purchase of this product allows you to use these activities in your personal classroom for your students. You may continue to use them each year but you may not share the activities with other teachers unless additional licenses are purchased. Please contact me via email for additional licenses. Site and District Licenses are also available.
Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and sneak in some learning by using this St. Patty’s Day multiplication freebie. Students will color the squares to reveal a hidden message and hidden picture. This download includes two different multiplication sheets and answer keys!
-1 direction page for students to use in order to complete this activity independently
-1 “Color by Fraction” coloring guide page
-1 “Color by Fraction” picture with fractions
-A colored version and black and white version of the above printables
Fractions can be a tough concept for students to master, and I am always looking for new ways to review. This freebie offers students a fun way to review adding fractions with unlike denominators using the sums to color in this super cute leprechaun! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Use this in a center, for fast finishers, enrichment, review, or to supplement your adding fractions unit. Enjoy!
Click ★HERE★ to follow my store and be notified when new products are uploaded.
All new resources are on sale for the first 24-48 hours!
A fun way to practise subitising/subitizing and to move students from additive thinking to multiplicative thinking.
Students work in pairs and stand either side of each foot. Students subitise/subitize and work out the total number of dots on each foot. They share their totals and their thinking strategies. Students are encouraged to move from counting each dot individually, to making “groups of” to develop their mental computation strategies.
The feet are laid out in a path as a fun indoor or outdoor activity to reinforce important Math strategies. The pairs of students move to the next foot along the path after they share their total number and thinking strategies. The teacher can easily monitor through observation which students are still working in the additive stage and which students are thinking multiplicatively.
The students love the interaction within this activity. It is a fun way to reinforce important Math strategies and to encourage students to “think aloud” sharing mental computation strategies.
There are 16 feet in the set (catering for up to 32 students at a time for a whole class activity, or several small group activities). The feet can be laminated and cut out for durability.
This resource is for personal/classroom use only and is not to be distributed further. Multiple licenses are now available at TpT for half price. No sharing of this product is permitted through internet groups/blogs, offline groups, school district or regional websites/servers, discussion lists, school websites/servers, or personal websites.
Many thanks. I hope you and your students enjoy this resource 🙂
This FREE resource includes three Common Core aligned kindergarten math printable worksheets that are all kindness-themed. These printables will not only allow your K students to work on important math skills, but they will also serve as a springboard for conversations about important character education topics.
These worksheets would work well as part of a work-at-home packet for distance learning due to school closures.
Included in this resource are:
-3 Common Core aligned printable math worksheets for kindergarten
-For each worksheet, there is a list of Common Core standards addressed, some suggested “kindness” topics to discuss with your class, and a printable parent letter (in case you would prefer to send them home as homework, the parent letters provide standards addressed and suggested discussion topics for families)
-An answer key
I hope this new line of math products in my store will allow teachers to add another layer to their character education by incorporating it into math class…because more kindness will add up to a better world! 🙂
Here’s a fun fine motor freebie! This Counting Puzzle Fine Motor Skills Task Box Freebie is a perfect addition to the other My Happy Place Fine Motor Skills Task Boxes! It can also be used alone as an early finisher activity, a morning tub, or a simple math center.
This activity allows students to build fine motor skills while practicing counting, ordering numbers, and one-to-one correspondence.
To complete this activity, students sort and order cards from one to ten to put together a boat puzzle. Each card has a numeral and a corresponding number of portholes in the illustration. After assembling the puzzle, students count the correct number of 3/4″ transparent counters to cover each window. Placing the counters requires students to use their pincer grip and helps develop dexterity, stamina, and patience.
To prepare this fine motor activity, print the boat cards on card stock. Laminate them, cut them out, and place them in the task box with a variety of 3/4″ circular counters.
Please note that this resource includes a digital download for you to print. It does not include the manipulatives or box you will need to assemble the activity.
This set includes:
Visual Instructions and Label
Printable Boat Puzzle Cards
Materials List:
copy paper, card stock, laminator/film
3/4″ circular, transparent counters in a variety of colors
These 36 cards will be matched with an equivalent fraction, decimal, or percent. Students will record their matches on a recording sheet and determine the missing part of each match to make a set of 3 equivalent values. A few values over 1 whole are included!
This MATCH GAME FREEBIE is part of my Multiplication Doubling and Halving Strategy pack designed to deepen understanding of multiplication and number relationships (which will foster better understanding of fractions among other things!)
Simply copy, cut and match the snowball to complete the BALANCED TEETER TOTTER. After playing, take a moment to ask kiddos. “What do you notice about the picture? What do you wonder about the teeter totter? Also, ask learners to come up with multiplication facts that would NOT be made simpler using this awesome strategy!
Need quality guided notes for your 7th-grade math interactive notebooks (INB) that don’t waste paper? Or that don’t waste time spent folding? These notes teach how Area and Perimeter and all parts of the page are used with guided notes, guided practice, and independent practice. Students cut the guided notes section off for note-taking and then use the leftovers for guided practice, visual cues, and independent practice. No more wasting space on a page or scraps of paper!
Also includes a full-page version of notes for easy use in a binder.
Included in this resource you receive printable guided note pages:
recall how to find the area and perimeter for parallelograms and triangles
apply the formulas to explore composite figures
guided practice and examples
teacher key
Check the preview to see how they work and what’s included on the pages. These guided notes are helpful with fulfilling IEPs and 504s and they are written to help support student note-taking. Also very helpful for English Language Learners.
Want a teaching PowerPoint to accompany these notes? Click here!
My products are always 50% off for the first 24 hours. Click the link above to follow me for the latest product releases and notifications!
Copying any part of this product and placing it on the Internet in any form (even a personal/classroom website) is strictly forbidden and is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). These items can be picked up in a Google search and then shared worldwide for free.
Use these free Valentine-themed math story problems for your Word Problem of the Day leading up to Valentine’s Day.
There are five word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The fifth story problem is a multi-step math word problem.
Students may show their work on printed worksheets or complete the Easel Activity on a computer. Save photocopying costs and have students solve the problems on scratch paper and then find the correct multiple-choice response on the Easel Assessment.
I received the Excellence in Teaching Award from the Los Angeles Unified School District and the Los Angeles Educational Partnership. I am a National Board Certified Teacher and attained a scaled score of 386 points. Teachers needed a scaled score of 275 points to become certified.
I teach concepts in a very strategic way that is not found in the typical textbook. I will be creating videos that demonstrate how I teach language arts, math, and other subjects so that ALL students can succeed.
Follow my TpT store at https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Victoria-Leon so that you will know when I have posted new lessons at TpT. All of my new products are 50% off for the first three days once it is posted on TpT.
Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions or you are not able to access the word problems.
This is a two page worksheet that focuses on getting students to understand the relationship between multiplication using counters (or some other manipulative).
This includes a PDF and an editable version.
There is no answer key which is part of the reason it is free.
If you need a comprehensive unit (lesson plans, practice sheets, enrichment sheets, exit slips, homework, and quizzes/tests), please check out the following resource:
Help your students practice their numbers with this fun, self-checking Boom Cards set! It has 10 cards with audio that asks students to click the number they hear for each slide. It will then confirm they are correct or ask them to guess again!!!
These activities are fabulous because:
They are self-checking!
They are fun and rewarding for students! Students feel like they are playing a game!!
Perfect for differentiating! You can assign different sets to different students!
There is no prep!! No need to make copies, laminate, or even print!!!
It’s interactive!!! Students get to practice in a meaningful, super exciting way!
Students can work at their pace!!! They can practice skills they are struggling with again and again.
To Use Boom Learning:
To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options you’ll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details: http://bit.ly/BoomTrial.
Perfect for preschool and kindergarten! Great resource to enhance technology in your classroom and distance learning. These 20 Boom Digital Task Cards help students recognize and identify 13 shapes. There are audio instructions included on each card to help make differentiation easier. Great for math centers, morning work, early finishers, early intervention, and more! (Shapes: rectangle, oval, circle, square, diamond, trapezoid, pentagon, heart, triangle, octagon, hexagon, star, and heptagon)
Click below to try out 4 Boom Cards to see if you want the FREEBIE – – –
New to Boom Learning? Check out this video that explains all about using Boom Cards™.
More About Boom Learning℠
With your Teachers Pay Teachers purchase, users new to Boom Learning get a three-month free trial of student progress reporting for up to 150 students. Your trial includes the ability to make up to 5 free DIY decks. You may upgrade or cancel at any time. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (released in the last three years) on interactive whiteboards, computers and tablets. Boom Cards apps are also available. Not sure if your browser is modern enough? Try a free Boom Cards deck first. When you redeem your purchase, Boom Learning opens an account for you if you do not already have one. If you do not subscribe at the end of your trial, you will be able to continue using Boom Cards with the Fast Play feature. Fast Play does not track individual progress. If you do not subscribe we will delete your student records 3 months after the expiration of the trial to protect student privacy.
DIGITAL – play on I-Pads, Chromebooks, I-Phones, Desk Tops, Lap Tops and more (with internet connection)
MULTIPLE PURPOSES – great for extension, enrichment, practice or review
INTERACTIVE – game-like learning that engages students
LOW PREP & NO GRADING – saves time, time, time
PAPERLESS – no printing, no copying, no cutting, no laminating
SELF- CHECKING – students immediately see if their answer is right or wrong, if wrong they get to try again
IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK – for students and teachers
DIFFERENTIATION – ability to assign different students, different decks
ACCOUNTABILITY – for independent learning during Centers or Morning Work
ASSESSMENT TOOL – easy-peasy progress monitoring and tracking data to inform instruction (not on free version)
COMPATIBLE – with Google Classroom, Schoology, SeeSaw, Canvas, Moodle, PowerSchool, Class Dojo and more. (because Boom Cards have a link)
by Little Minds Books Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten
The Christmas Kindergarten Math Numbers Workbook is a comprehensive educational resource designed to help young learners develop their math skills through engaging and festive activities. This workbook covers a wide range of math concepts and is perfect for kindergarten students during the holiday season.
The Christmas Kindergarten Math Numbers Workbook is a comprehensive learning resource designed to help young children develop their math skills during the holiday season. Dive into festive math activities and exercises that will engage and challenge your Kindergartners.
This activity supports one of the MAJOR clusters for 4th grade of EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS and extending understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering. Fourth graders must be able to understand why a fraction a/b is equivalent to a fraction (n × a)/(n × b) by using visual fraction models, with attention to how the number and size of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size. They must also use this principle to recognize and generate EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS.
Directions to the Teacher: Print and cut out cards for students. You may choose to laminate for future use. This is a great activity for a math center, math workstation, or independent practice.
Are you looking for engaging, no-prep, digital math games and activities to give your middle school math students some extra practice for a variety of 5th – 7th grade math concepts?
The middle school math activities on my site can help you out!
This PDF is a detailed description of the current free and member math activities available on my site. The activity list is updated as the site is updated. There are over 50 total activities, with over 1900 questions as of 2/7/24.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “My students LOVE this resource. The online activities are great for extra practice or review. They cover a wide range of 6th grade math skills, so we use these often throughout the year. Students also love repeating an activity to see if they can improve their score. Thank you for creating these!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “I have this on my “may do” activity list for students to practice when there is extra time. I will also specifically ask them to play certain games when I am studying them in class or before a major test!”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “These interactive games have been great to assign students through Google classroom to practice the skills that we are learning.”
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “I use this website all the time to reinforce the math skills. The students love the interactive games and how there are many different kinds! Well worth the money!”
Please keep in touch by following me, to be notified when new products are uploaded! Resources are 1/2 off for the first 24 hours, so it pays to follow!
Looking for a FREE festive, fun way to introduce division and equal sharing? Our Equal Sharing Worksheet pack includes two worksheets that give kids practise sharing the festive treats equally between 2 kids. Just print and go!
Are you looking for more sharing practise between 2, 3 and 4? Our $2.50 Equal Sharing Christmas Worksheets pack offers 10 worksheets, including a selection of color the equal share and cut & paste.
These worksheets work really well as a holiday review task or as part of a fun festive division project.
If you need something more hands-on and concrete then our $2.50 Equal Sharing Christmas Math Center resource is just what you need! Kids can work through 27 task cards physically sharing the delicious festive treats between kids plates. There is also an added worksheet if you want kids to record their answers.
IF you love this resource as much as we loved creating it, then please leave us a review. We value your feedback.
How to BEE part of our Bees Knees hive: Click the green star beside our name at the top of this page or at the top of our store page. By following us, you will be notified of any new products, freebies or sales.
Your students will get fun, interactive practice with this birthday-themed, digital BOOM deck. Each card features a number line with a moveable image to assist your learners in solving each addition equation.
A follow up, printable page is included for extra hands-on practice!
To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for modern Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” (a form of play that gives instant feedback to students for self-grading Boom Cards). For assignment options that report student progress back to you, you will need to purchase a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Readhere for details: http://bit.ly/BoomTrial.
“You may be eligible for a free trial from Boom Learning. Read here for details: http://bit.ly/BoomTrial. If you choose not to stay on a premium account after your free trial, you will still be able to assign all your Boom Cards to as many students as you see fit using Fast Play pins (which give instant feedback for decks that are self-grading). You will not be charged when your free trial expires.”
Use these number recognition worksheets to help reinforce learning numbers while practicing counting numbers 1 to 20. There are 5 visually beautiful graphic pages and a handy answer key. Your students can also color the pictures. Enjoy this freebie!
Files are for personal use or educational purposes only and they cannot be redistributed (posted for others), copied, or sold. All graphics, unless otherwise stated, and resources are creative property of Saroum V Giroux. Please view my complete TERMS OF USE for more details. Happy Learning!
Earn some TpT credit for your future purchases by leaving a review on downloaded resources!
Quick student reference sheet for measurement equivalencies.
*Note: This is by no means a comprehensive list of equivalencies. Metric and customary units are listed separately (there are no equivalencies listed between types of units)
A fun way to practice multiplication and division facts. Help students improve their fact fluency – no writing needed!
This freebie contains:
1 Multiplication Dab-It ( Multiply by 5)
1 Division Dab-It ( Divide by 4)
1 Multiplication Table for extra support
Students can use pencils, colored pencils, markers, or daubers to mark the correct answer. I have students use two different colors. The first color is for problems they know fluently already. They move through the worksheet and answer the problems they easily know. Then I have them use the second color to work on problems they need to use a strategy for finding the answer.
If you like this product and want more please visit my TPT store @ Math – It Works. Here are some other products you might like:
“The students loved these and found them VERY engaging. it is nice to have a variety of engaging activities for skills that require so much practice for mastery. Definitely a favorite of the kids.” Alexa C.
by Lodrew’s Hands-On Learning Pre-Kindergarten – Kindergarten
Farm Freebie – Count, Color, Feed the Horse
Please Feed Me! – Flip a horseshoe card. Count the stars. Match with a horseshoe number. Find the horseshoe number on the recording sheet and color it. Put that many manipulatives (horse feed), below the horse. You can use pompoms, playdough pieces, cubes, etc. Repeat. – comes with:
a] 1 Horse Mat
b] 11 Horseshoe Counting Cards (0-10)
c] 11 Horseshoe Number Cards (0-10)
d] Horseshoe Coloring Page
Free, For prek, preschool, kindergarten, toddler curriculum, SPED, child care, homeschool, or any early childhood setting.