by Teaching Young Learners with Yulia

The set features a great activity for very young learners. Ideal to teach color recognition. Suitable for kids 2-4 years old.
This file contains:
1 page with the Fish Tank
1 page with 8 fish
This set includes the following colors:
Print, laminate and cut before the class, you may also use VELCRO tape to stick the fish with the tank.
★How to use:
Print, laminate and cut before the class, you may also use VELCRO tape to stick the fish with the tank.
– Pre teach colors.
– Give each child 1 fish and ask What color is your fish?
(Encourage your students to say It’s green rather than just Green).
– Let your students find the tank for every fish, saying Green fish lives in a green tank!
Many thanks for stopping by and taking a look. We really hope our teaching ideas are helpful!
This zipped file is composed of 5 printable PDF pages which are available immediately upon purchase. *************************************************************************************************
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