by James Whitaker
3rd – 12th Grade

[[Autobiographical Series]]
Autobiographical & Etymological Name Origin Tri-Fold
Grades 3-12
Product Overview/Preface:
Explore the origin of your students’ first name and surname. Names are the prelude to our identity and hold deep rooted semantic personal origins. Use these awesome Tri-Folds to get to know your students and kick start a positive, long lasting rapport. Your students will never forget the essence of their names and will learn a valuable, empowering aspect of their identity.
< 2 Pre-made Tri-Folds
< 7 Insert Pages
< 1 Customizable Tri-Fold
< 1 First Name Pre-Planning Sheet
< 1 Surname Pre-Planning Sheet
< 2 Styles of Mini Fold-Ems
Suggested Etymological Topics:
< History & Country of Origin
< Religion & Ethnicity
< Diminutives
< Feminized Forms
< Variations in other Languages
< Cognates
< Famous People with Given Names
< Popularity
Suggested Autobiographical Topics:
< Autobiography
< Parent Interview: Legacy of Name
< Likes/Dislikes
< Favorites: Food, Music, Film, Literature, Animals, Games, Places
< Greatest/Worse Moments
< Family Members
< Photos
< Quotes
Please feel free to ask any questions—I will definitely respond to all inquiries in a timely fashion.
Please Click the Link Below and Check out My Other Products and Resources:
Hopefully my products will help strengthen your lessons, help your students learn, and make your life easier. Thank you and enjoy! —J.D. Whitaker
Copyright © 2014 James D. Whitaker, SophistThoughts™
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display.
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