by The Dabbling Speechie
Pre-Kindergarten – 3rd Grade

Are you looking for a fun “Spring” reinforcer activity to use with your students? Do your little ones love bugs? Then this fun FREEBIE is just the activity to use to keep your students engaged and learning!! There are two variations to use this activity.
Catch a Bug Game
Directions for version #1: Print the bug jar (page 3) and the blank sheet of bugs (page 4) on card stock and laminate. Adhere velcro on the jar and bugs. Use as a token board or let the students take off a bug after they complete their speech or language target.
Directions for version #2: Print the bug jar (page 3) and the sheet of bugs with numbers (page 5) on card stock and laminate. Use an empty container and place all the bugs in the jar. I put paper clips on the bugs and then we used my magnetic fishing pole to catch bugs and earn points. The student with the most points wins the game!
Please email me with questions at: [email protected]
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