by Jessica Osborne
3rd – 7th Grade
Elaboration Mini-Lesson – Use these slides in an elaboration mini-lesson to show students the difference between a story that lists events and a really good story that goes into details and has elaboration. I’ve found that sometimes students need an example of what it looks like to fix something that was done wrong rather than always being shown only the right way to do it. This is especially true when they are considering revision of their own writing. These can be used as a reminder before students begin writing, or even just before the revision step of the writing process on a story or essay that they think is already finished.
UPDATE: 11-3-14 A graphic organizer is now included which can be printed and given to students for analysis and elaboration on their own writing.
Take a look at these related products:
–Elaboration Writing Activity with Group Brainstorming
–Word Choice Writing Practice: Elaboration and Adjectives
–Adjectives Games
–Overused Words Posters and Graphic Organizer
(c) 2012 Jessica Osborne. All rights reserved.
By copyright law, the download of this product entitles one teacher the use of the digital and printed files for a single classroom. Files are not to be shared or published (including being displayed on a website) in any way without direct permission from the author: [email protected]
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