by The Zoo Librarian
2nd – 6th Grade

This product is designed to pick up where other color-coded text evidence activities leave off. As students get older, they are using more and more of their evidence in their writing. They are expected to provide longer written answers. Still, we have reluctant writers in our classrooms. We have times when we need to give our upper elementary students a reminder about the importance of providing text evidence as support for their statements. I have used this activity as bell work, homework, and this year, I have also sent it home as part of my students’ ELA summer work requirements. This particular packet is a freebie so that you can see just how helpful Prove It or Lose It activities will be in your classroom! This free packet contains two activities based on movies your students will know and love.
Please message with any questions. Don’t forget to leave feedback and earn your TPT credits…it’s like free money!
** During this time when we are out of school and engaging with our students online and in a distance learning capacity, you may distribute my products to you students using the internet (but not in a way so that they are available to EVERYONE on the internet) Ex: Google Classroom is fine!**
Also…check out my other Prove it or Lose It activities:
The Second Summer Reading Edition
The Second Summer Reading Edition
The Black History Month Edition
The Nonfiction Reading Edition
The Greek Gods/Goddesses Edition
Or get more bang for your buck with bundles:
The “It’s all Fun and Games” Edition
The “It’s all Fun and Games” Edition
And also…for older, Hamilton-loving readers:
Hamilton: The Full Bundle
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