by Christina Mauro
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Enjoy this freebie!
You can use these pages in several different ways:
– Students can do the flip book to sort the pictures individually
– The flip book can be put in a literacy station to review the sounds
– The colored picture cards can be copied and laminated for students to sort in a station and then do the flip book to show the way they sorted
– Students can draw their own pictures that go with each word family
– Students will use the color code to color the pictures based on the word family
Please leave feedback and make me smile! 🙂
Christina Mauro
Here are the words/pictures included in this product:
-at cat, bat, fat, hat, mat, rat
-an fan, tan, can, man, van, pan
If you are interested in some more short a words check this out:
Flip Books, Pocket Chart Cards, and More {Short a Word Families}
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