by Differentiation Station Creations
Kindergarten – 1st Grade

FREE!! Flipping Through The Fish
Sorting CVC Real and Nonsense Words
Center and Game
This is a center to help students practice decoding individual phonemes and then blending the sounds together to read. Using real and nonsense words helps students to really focus on each individual phoneme. You are able to assess their knowledge of the each specific sound, because students are reading words that they have never encountered before (nonsense words).
Students will read the words on the fish and then sort onto the real or nonsense mat. This makes the reading process fun!
This product is great for kindergarten, RTI, special education, homeschool, and for any child that needs extra practice in decoding and blending CVC words!
If you loved “Flipping Through the Fish”, you need to take a look at these games and activities!
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Key words: Free, kindergarten, first grade, interventions, RTI, special education, homeschool, CVC, real, nonsense, make believe, sorts, fish, ocean, summer, short vowel, short vowels, sorting, differentiated, differentiation, Differentiation Station Creations
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