by Mrs Thompson’s Treasures
1st – 2nd Grade

Try these digital guided reading leveled Boom Cards™ for some online comprehension practice!
This free deck includes a short story (guided reading level G) and comprehension questions.
To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Play,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards). Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options, you’ll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Read here for details:
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