FREE LANGUAGE ARTS LESSON – “FREE Letter Naming or Sound Fluency Game”

by 180 Days of Reading

Kindergarten – 2nd Grade



Valentine’s Day Letter Naming or Sound Fluency Game
Great for centers, independent work time, interventions, and small groups! The Read and Write the Room works really well for those early finishers.

This is card game. Print and laminate or print on cardstock for long-term use, there are 26 letter cards, and 8 special cards which include go again, lose a turn, and give a card to a friend.

To Play: Players will take turns picking a card and reading either the letter name or sound. If a special card is drawn, follow the directions on the card. (lose a turn, go again, give a card to a friend) The game is over when the cards are gone or when time is up. Winner has the most word cards!

*FREE* Read and Write the Room. Hang 10 letter cards around the room. Have students walk around, read the words, and record them on the recording sheet. Your students will love this game.






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