by 2touchlives
1st – 3rd Grade

This product includes Direction Cards for Students and Teacher, Printables to be used in Centers, Task Card for your pocket chart. Can be used independently or with a group. The tasks are aligned with The Common Core. Finding the Facts Center focuses on Main Idea and reading for the 5 wh words in texts.
Thank you for viewing my Preview if you like what you see this will be included in a Bundle at a discounted price and will include Literacy Work Stations for the whole year It will be over 100 pages and will include all printables, and everything you need to set up the centers and they will be aligned with the Common Core! Check out my online store at (2touchlives) to view my new products and FREEBIES! 🙂 you may also like genre posters
A Special Thanks and shout out goes to Whimsy and Scrapin for the wonderful clipart.
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