by Kristine Nannini
3rd – 6th Grade

This is a FREE two weeks of my Grammar Skill of the Week resource.
Get the entire resource HERE!
Use this resource to help your students review and practice a new grammar skill each week. It offers quick daily practice that you can implement as part of your morning routine, reading block, or any other transition time throughout the day when you have a few extra minutes.
Grammar Skill of the Week includes 62 weeks of content that you can use for the entire year. You can cover topics in order, or you can pick and choose topics based on your students’ prior knowledge and areas of need. Each grammar skill includes the following:
Day 1: Learn
Day 2: Practice
Day 3: Practice
Day 4: Writing Prompt
Day 5: Show What You Know
Organization of This Resource:
This resource will help you target a specific grammar skill in the most timely and effective way possible. Each week is set up exactly the same to promote a strong and predictable routine that works best for students.
Day 1: Learn
Students rate their level of understanding before starting the skill:
4 = I can do this on my own, explain how to to do it, and teach others.
3 = I can do it without help and show I understand.
2 = I can do it with help or examples in front of me, but I may make mistakes.
1 = I’m starting to get it but still confused.
0 = Even with help, I don’t understand or can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.
After students rate their understanding, they start the first day with lesson notes and examples that teach the grammar skill. These lesson notes are all written in student-friendly language to encourage students to work independently. After reading through the lesson and examples, students will complete practice questions to reinforce the skill they just learned. You can allow students to work on this section independently or do it together as a class.
Day 2 & 3: Practice
On the second and third day, students practice the skill with a variety of engaging questions, activities, games, riddles, and more. Based on students’ level of understanding, you can allow them to work independently or together as a class.
Day 4: Write
The ultimate goal of grammar instruction is to get students to naturally incorporate the skill in their speech and writing.On this day, students will do just that. They will respond to a writing prompt that requires them to transfer their knowledge of the skill they’ve learned and practiced.
Day 5: Show What You Know
Assess students on the grammar skill of the week. The assessment includes questions of varying difficulty so that you can get an accurate picture of student understanding. Finally, have students rate their level of understanding after completing the assessment.
Grammar Skills Included in the FULL Resource:
•Basic Nouns
•Common Nouns vs. Proper Nouns
•Singular vs. Plural Nouns
•Irregular Plural Nouns
•Possessive Nouns
•Concrete vs. Abstract Nouns
•Basic Verbs
•Subject-Verb Agreement
•Simple Verb Tense
•Main and Helping Verbs
•Perfect Verb Tense
•Progressive Verb Tense
•Irregular Verbs
•Linking Verbs
•Basic Adjectives
•Order of Adjectives
•Common vs. Proper Adjectives
•Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
•Basic Adverbs
•Comparative vs. Superlative Adverbs
•Relative Adverbs
•Avoiding Double Negatives
•Basic Pronouns
•Pronoun Antecedent
•Subject and Object Pronouns
•Reflexive Pronouns
•Pronoun-Verb Agreement
•Possessive Pronouns
•Relative Pronouns
•Basic Prepositions
•Prepositional Phrases
•Coordinating Conjunctions
•Subordinating Conjunctions
•Correlative Conjunctions
•Sentence Types
•Subjects and Predicates
•Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences
•Run-on Sentences and Fragments
•Capitalizing Proper Nouns
•Capitalizing Titles of Work
•End Punctuation with Sentence Types
•Commas in Dates and Locations
•Commas in Items in a Series
•Commas in Compound Sentences
•Commas in a Direct Address, Yes and No, and Tag Questions
•Commas After Introductory Elements
•Punctuating Dialogue
•Form and Use Possessive Apostrophe
•Punctuating Titles of Work
Figurative Language
•Adages and Proverbs
Word Meanings
•Synonyms and Antonyms
•Shades of Meaning
•Dictionary Skills
Language Conventions
•Formal vs. Informal Language
**A digital version is also included for use with Google Classroom.**
With the digital version, you have the option to go 100% paperless.
*As always, please ask ANY and ALL questions before purchasing. Thank you so much! Thank you, and enjoy!
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Copyright© 2021 Kristine Nannini
All rights reserved by author. Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. Not for public display.
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