by Kristine Nannini
3rd – 6th Grade

FREE Theme Printables (Anchor Charts, Mentor Texts, Practice Pages)
Determining theme is a higher-order thinking skill that many students may struggle to grasp at first. The reason for this struggle is that theme is inferred (unless your students are reading fables with explicitly stated morals).
The goal of this free resource is to help your students understand the concept of theme and provide them with multiple opportunities to practice, and eventually master, this concept.
Included in this free resource:
-Three Printable Determining Theme Anchor Charts
-Determining Theme Mentor Text Recommendations
-Printable Practice Pages (The Invisible Boy and a blank generic version)
-Clickable link to my Theme: Differentiated Reading Passages and Questions
These resources compliment my informative blog post at Young Teacher Love Blog.
ClickHERE to read my blog post on Teaching Theme in the Upper-Elementary Classroom
Thank you, and enjoy!
Copyright© 2017 Kristine Nannini
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. Not for public display.
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