by Grasshopper Mathematics
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Days of the Week and Months of the Year
Freebie version that includes 4 of the 35 pages of days of the week and months of the year practice! Includes colored pieces that you can cut out and line up in the right order, tracing sheets that are also color coded and several fill in the blank sheets. In the full version all sheets start out color coded for each particular day of the week or month of the year and then also include black and white when the child becomes proficient with the colored reminders.
***Purchase full version here.
***Full version included in this Prek Google Bundle
->Seasons and Weather Practice
->Upper and Lower Case Tracing
Please rate my products and leave comments so that I can improve them! I try to update at least one product a week but with a comment, I can edit that document that day! If the product doesn’t have an answer key and should, please reach out. Within a week, I can update the product for you! I am working my way towards updating everything and offering my best products but I also want to share everything just in case someone needs that product this school year. Thank you for considering my products, free or not, and consider reviewing, following and checking for new material!
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Kelley / CC BY (
Kelley / CC BY (
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