by Brenda Tejeda
Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Here is a fun name activity page, perfect for the beginning of the year!
Perfect to use with Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes! For more back-to-school reading comprehension and response activities, see my September Read-Alouds pack here:
Back-to-School Read-Alouds: Comprehension & Writing Activities
Students first write their name in the boxes, count and write the number of letters, highlight the vowels, and clap the syllables.
Then, there are 3 different versions to choose from:
1. Students write and cut out the letters in their name and use to make words.
2. Students write their name with fancy letters.
3. Students think of more words that begin with the first letter of their name.
Have a great school year!
Brenda Tejeda- Tejeda’s Tots
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