by Connie
4th – 12th Grade

Should educators tweet, “Good Bye” to proper paragraphs? Are these backbones of formal and informal writing becoming an endangered specie? Do students need to reinforce their basic understanding of the elements of a good paragraph in order to write and develop more in-depth essays? Do students need to learn how to write about the literature that they are reading?
This Ten Sentence Format will accomplish all of that. It is perfect for clarifying and reinforcing the parts of an essay, for using as an announced or unannounced quiz when teachers of students grades 6-12 wish to check reading and writing comprehension and for general writing practice or warm-ups.
It reviews and reinforces the basic structure of a paragraph: Introduction (Hook, overview, Thesis statement), Body (Main Idea, supporting details), and Conclusion (Concluding statement, last thought{I call this a kicker, as the last statement should end with a bang and not a whimper}).
Once students master this concept, they can easily be shown how the Main Idea paragraphs can be detailed and developed into more paragraphs to create a complete essay.
This product forms a part of the Writing Module in my book, The House of Comprehension. I am offering it here as a Free Sample Lesson so you can see the quality of the material in The House of Comprehension. Teachers who want to show their students how to build strong houses of comprehension can find 40 more activities like this in the book.
For another activity from “The House of Comprehension” that will strengthen writing, try
Writing – Just Say, “No” to Dull Writing
Here is the link to the complete resource, “The House of Comprehension” –
EBook – “The House of Comprehension”
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