by Growing Smart Readers
Kindergarten – 4th Grade

Don’t send the kids off this summer without this take-home poster and checklist for the fridge!
**Send this poster home with a summer tote bag of books and goodies!
Send this home to parents with your newsletter.
You can also email this file to your parents!**
This is what I sent home last year with my students–they loved taking this home as a reminder of easy, fun things they can do–nothing too difficult. These are simple, everyday literacy activities that DO contribute to growing into smart readers!
An extra page is for kids to write in their ideas for keeping tuned up with their literacy skills–You can also add math skills, too! Math literacy counts!! (Of course!)
How many times do you hear a parent or child say they want ideas of what to do over the summer? This is a “swimmingly” cute reminder of what kids CAN do over the summer. It’s a list of just a handful, 12 ideas, in fact….but it’s only a short list—because there’s so much more to do. This will spur them onto other ideas.
So, be sure to help them tune up this summer, and send this home with your kiddos. Remind them that tuning up can be more than just reading a book.
If you like my fishy clip art you see in this product, check out another FREEBIE–my fish clip art, which you can use for a variety of fish-thematic products and classroom accessories: Fish {Free Clip Art}
Credits: Poster Border by the 3 am Teacher at:
Pencil Graphic from:
Please visit my blog at: MY BLOG
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