by Making ELA Matter
5th – 9th Grade

The Bridge Home by Padma Venkatraman is one of the novels selected for this year’s Global Read Aloud. This will be my fifth year participating in the Global Read Aloud, and the resources I design for my classroom will be shared here in my store free for the duration of the read-aloud.
This resource is designed to cover chapters 1-7 of the novel. Chapter handouts require students to recall key details, examine passages for literary devices, apply literary terms, and make predictions and connections.
What’s included:
- Suggested guidelines for using this resource
- Vocabulary Activity for chapters 1-7
- Questions/Activities for Chapters 1-7
- “A Closer Look” page for determining literary elements and literary devices
- Answer keys for all pages
I will be uploading resources that accompany the read-aloud weekly. Follow my store to receive updates when these new resources are uploaded.
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