by Linda Post – The Teacher’s Post
Pre-Kindergarten – 1st Grade

Veterans’ Day Alphabet and Counting Patriotic Literacy Center Activities
★ Matching Upper & Lower Case Letters
★ Counting to 20 &
★ Optional Recording Sheets & Award Certificates
★ 14 Page Download – 4 Ways to Play – Patriotic kids graphics with the lower case letters of the alphabet match up to other patriotic graphics with the upper case letters. Numbers 1-20 to arrange in order as well. Optional recording sheets for students to write the alphabet and the numbers. 6 Different Patriotic Award Certificates at various levels.
Please click on any of the GREEN LINKS below to view other Veterans’ Day Learning Centers. Thank you…
Page 1 and 2 – these directions and Seller Info
Pages 3-5 -Patriotic graphics with lower case letters and numbers 1-10
Pages 6-8 – Patriotic graphics with upper case letters and numbers 11-20
Pages 9-11 – Optional recording sheets
Pages 12-14 – 6 Different Patriotic Award Certificates at Different Levels
Cut the sheets on the paper cutter into 12 square cards each.
Ways to Use
1. Match the upper case letters to the lower case letters.
2. Arrange the lower case letters in alphabetical order.
3. Arrange the upper case letters in alphabetical order.
4. Arrange the cards in order for numbers
5. 1-10 or 1-20.
6. Print the upper and lower case letters.
7. Print the numerals 1-20.
Other Veterans’ Day Learning Activities include:
Veterans’ Day BUNDLE VALUE
Veterans’ Day BUNDLE VALUE
90 Page Bundle Includes:
1) Veterans’ Day Poems
2) Veterans’ Day Readers – 2 Reading Levels + Illustrated Vocab. Cards for Word Wall or Pocket Chart
3) Veterans’ Day Skip Counting – Ones, Twos, Fives, Tens
4) Veterans’ Day Sight Word Game Boards for First 100 Dolch
Veterans’ Day Contractions Literacy Centers
Veterans’ Day Contractions Literacy Centers – 4 Separate Sets – 48 Pairs of Contractions and Their Components- 23 Page Download – Text is color coded to keep sets separated. You can also print out double sided and have a different Patriotic Symbol on each set.
Veterans’ Day Emergent Readers – 2 Reading Levels Plus Pocket Chart Vocabulary Cards
Veterans’ Day Emergent Readers Mini Books and Pocket Chart Cards – Easy Assembly – 6 Versions –
20 Page Download – 6 Versions – 2 reading levels
Veterans’ Day and Patriotic Poems and Songs
Veterans’ Day and Patriotic Poems and Songs – -29 page file – All Illustrated with Patriotic themed Graphics-2 Versions – Color and B/W. 16 Poems/Songs, some about Veterans’ Day and some about the flag and patriotism. Just choose those you like, and print just those pages. Larger patriotic images to cut out and glue onto shared reading charts for Veterans’ Day and other patriotic holidays. Sing to familiar tunes, or chant. Use some or all year after year.
Veterans’ Day PowerPoint – 60 Slides
Veterans’ Day PowerPoint – 60 slides including 23 individual vocabulary slides with graphics. This presentation may be used with or without the products from which it was created. I have included in the PowerPoint both levels of the Veteran’s Day emergent reader packet: emergent and harder. I added a page for each branch of the Armed Forces as well. I have also included all of the songs and poems from my Veterans’ Day Poems, Songs and Finger Puppets packet.
Veterans’ Day Patriotic Themed Sight Word Game Boards – Set 1
Veterans’ Day Patriotic Themed Sight Words Literacy Centers Game Board Activities – 5 Different Game Boards – 5 different patriotic game boards for the first 100 Dolch sight vocabulary words. I have included 6 spinners. Some of the spinners have higher numbers to make the game go faster. You could also use dice. Gameboards are themed around Veterans’ Day.
Veterans’ Day Patriotic Themed Sight Word Game Boards – Set 2
Veterans’ Day Patriotic Themed Sight Words Literacy Centers Game Board Activities – 5 Different Game Boards – LAST 120 sight vocabulary words. – 5 different patriotic game boards – I have included 6 spinners. Some of the spinners have higher numbers to make the game go faster. You could also use dice. Gameboards are themed around: Veterans’ Day.
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Linda Post: The Teacher’s Post
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•Copyright ©Linda Post: The Teacher’s Post
• All rights reserved by author. This product is for your classroom or personal use. You may reference this product in blog posts, at seminars, professional development workshops, or other such venues provided there is both credit given to me as the author and a link back to my TPT store is included in your post or presentation. You may not claim this work as your own, alter the files in any way, or remove the copyright or watermarks. You may not sell the files or combine them into another unit for sale
•Clipart and elements found in this file are copyrighted and cannot be extracted and used outside of this file without permission or license. See product file for clip art and font credits. Thank you…
•Copyright ©Linda Post: The Teacher’s Post
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