by McLaren Marvels
1st – 4th Grade

I use these printables before, during, and after a unit. Next week we are starting our unit on Egypt. I put the students into pairs and they get to choose which sheet they want to fill out. They have to write five questions about the unit. If they have the ‘Why’ paper, they have to come up with 5 ‘why’ questions. I make every group choose a different question. Then I read them all to the class. After that, I post them in the room. As we are learning, if they hear an answer to a question, I let them get up and fill it in. At the end of the unit if we have any unanswered questions, we go in the computer lab and do a little research to see if we can find the answers. They love these! These printables correlate with common core standard RL.2.1.
These can also be used as a literacy center. You can laminate them and put them in a folder with different pictures and the students can ask questions about the pictures.
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