by Funrithmetic
7th – 9th Grade

This is a free lesson (Lesson 2.3, Solving Inequalities by Multiplying or Dividing) from my Algebra Unit 2: Inequalities! Note: The digital version is not included in the free version. Enjoy!
Learn more about the unit here:
Start your year off right with this comprehensive, engaging unit over inequalities! This unit includes all you need to teach your students what they need to know about inequalities!
What are some features of this unit?
- The notes are in easy-to-use Cornell style, with “color-able” vocabulary words for a little bit of fun to keep students engaged (and to help improve memory)
- The student handouts/homework sheets are aligned with each lesson, and one is a fun color-by-number!
- A thorough study guide helps prepare students for the assessment
- The quizzes and final assessment are editable if you want to make your own or multiple versions for your classroom
- Lesson overviews prepare you beforehand! They include CCSS references, pacing suggestions, vocabulary, student “I can” statements, introduction and summary activities, and homework assignments.
- Writing in Math journal prompts for each lesson get students thinking critically about math and provide an excellent cross-curricular opportunity. Don’t worry, I’ve included a rubric too!
- A completed teacher’s edition is color-coded so you can easily find answers and see exactly what the students do and don’t have in their version.
Going digital? No problem!
- I’ve included a page with individual links to digital versions of the guided notes, homework, writing prompts, quizzes, study guide, and assessment. These are set as background images in Google Slides (the writing prompts are in Google Forms). These are linked individually so that you can easily assign them using Google classroom.
Topics covered in the unit are:
Lesson 2.1: Writing and Graphing Inequalities
Lesson 2.2: Solving Inequalities by Adding or Subtracting
Lesson 2.3: Solving Inequalities by Multiplying or Dividing
Lesson 2.4: Solving Multi-Step Inequalities
Lesson 2.5: Solving Compound Inequalities
Lesson 2.6: Solving Absolute Value Inequalities
With the paper and digital format of this unit, you can be flexible in your teaching and instructional delivery! See the preview for a sample of various pages from the unit.
I’ll be adding more units soon! Be sure to follow me to get notified as I add more fun and engaging resources to my store. You can also check out my website at for more teaching ideas, freebies, and other fun stuff!
Enjoy your new product!
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