by Keep On Growing
6th Grade

Do you need a no prep engaging resource to help your students review exponents? This activity focuses on exponents and exponential form, expanded form, and standard It can be used as a DIGITAL or PRINTABLE resource.
⭐️CCSS: 6.EE.1 Write and evaluate numerical expressions involving whole-number exponents.
What does it include:
➡️DIGITAL: 13 Interactive GOOGLE SLIDES Version
- Slides 2-3: Exponential Notation to Expanded Notation
- Slides 4-5: Expanded Notation to Exponential Notation
- Slides 6-7: Exponential Notation to Standard Notation
- Slide 8: Compare
- Slides 9-10: Complete the table: all notations
- Slides 11-13: Find the missing base or exponent
➡️ Answer Key
➡️ Instructions page for:
- Uploading the resource to Google Drive
- Assigning the resource through Google Classroom
You’ll be able to add this activity to your drive an assign it as a GOOGLE CLASSROOM activity.
Please reach out and let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. My e-mail address is [email protected]. Please consider rating this product. You’ll get TpT credits by just sharing your feedback and they can be used to lower the price of future purchases.
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