by Fairies and Lesson Plans
2nd Grade

Searching for free Second Grade Math Review Worksheets? Do you need math activities for your Weekly Homework Packets? This file provides a 2-week Sample of 1st Quarter Second Grade Math Skills!
This versatile resource includes weekly Math Worksheets that work just as well as Math Centers, Small Groups, and Morning Work, as they do as Homework Packets! Just copy one page per week and send home or use in your classroom!
Here’s what makes this resource a teacher favorite:
- Complete files include 9 weeks of Math Weekly Homework Worksheets with Spiral Review Activities
- Only one page per week!
- Can be assigned electronically via EASEL.
- The review activities are easy for students and parents to understand and are just the right amount of practice for each day of the week!
- My design is student friendly and inviting while packed with real work.
- The activities in my weekly math worksheets are explained and modeled so students can see an example of what their work should look like.
- The repetitive patterns of these Math Spiral Review Activities help Second Graders become familiar with their homework and encourages them to become increasingly independent.
- The homework worksheets already include the work space your students need to write on, so no extra paper is needed.
- Every page lists the CCSS that you are working on!
- All you do is copy/staple a packet, send home on Monday, and collect on Friday!
Review Second Grade Math Standards in this order:
On Monday: Operations and Algebraic Thinking
On Tuesday: Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
On Wednesday: Measurement and Data
On Thursday: Geometry
Whether you send these Math Worksheet home, or use them in the classroom as a Math Center, Morning Work or Warmup, this resource will keep Math concepts fresh in your First Graders minds! 27 weeks included!
Highlights of this resource:
- Nine weeks of Homework/Review
- One page per week
- CCSS listed on each page;
- Pages can be printed out of order to fit your pacing guide
- Student friendly;
- Repetitive pattern to promote familiarity and independence;
- Gradual increase of rigor;
- Designed to use space efficiently.
1st Quarter Contents
•Word Problems
•Find the unknown number
•Add within 20
•Subtract within 20
•Add or Subtract within 20
•Make 2-digit numbers
•Write hundreds, tens, and ones
•Write 3-digit numbers
•Expanded form
•Identify the value of digits
•Skip count
•Count up to 1,000
•Compare numbers
•Pictograph review
•Telling time to the hour and half hour
•Make a pictograph
•Time problems
•Identify 2-d shapes
•Identify 3-d shapes
•Equal shares
•Shape attributes
Preview the Whole Year here.
2nd Quarter Contents
•Make a double/Add 3 numbers
•Fact Families
•Choose a strategy/Add three numbers
•Word problems
•Expanded form
•Add 2 2-digit numbers (no regrouping)
•Add 2-digit to 1-digit numbers (regrouping)
•Add 2-digit to 1-digit numbers (regrouping)
•Skip count
•Add 2 2-digit numbers (regroup)
•Bar Graph
•Name coins and values
•Count same kinds of coins
•Count coins and pennies
•Measure/Compare lengths in inches
•Draw Shapes
•2-d and 3-d shape attributes
•Partition shapes
3rd Quarter Contents
•Add 3 addends
•Missing addends
•Subtract using number line
•Even or odd?
•Fact families
•Equal addends
•Add/subtract 1-digit/2-digit
•Add 1-digit/2-digit (regroup)
•Add/subtract 2-digit numbers
•Align vertically to add
•Mentally add/subtract hundreds
•Add/subtract 10 or 100
•Word problems
•Choose tools to measure customary
•Tell time to 5 min./A.M. – P.M.
•Count coins
•Line Plots
•Make coin combinations
•Count squares in partitioned shapes
•Identify 2-d/3-d shapes
•Partition into halves, thirds, fourths
•Making Equal Shares
4th Quarter Contents
•Add 3 addends
•Missing numbers
•Fact Families
•Even or odd?
•Two-step word problems
•Skip Count
•Add 3-digit regroup ones
•Add 3-digit regroup tens
•Subtract 3-digit numbers/regroup
•Number words
•Expanded form
•Tell time to 5 min/A.M. – P.M
•Count coins
•Money word problems
•Line Plots/Data Analysis
•Compare Customary lengths
•Compare Metric lengths
•2-d and 3-d shape attributes
•Fraction word problems
•Shape word problems
•Make equal shares
•Area problems
•Partition into squares
Whether you send these Math Worksheets home, or use them in the classroom as a Math Center, Morning Work or Warmup, this resource will keep Math concepts fresh in your Second Graders minds! 2 weeks included!
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